Several Newhouse School faculty members and doctoral students will participate in the annual convention of the National Communication Association on Nov. 16-19 in National Harbor, Maryland. Their involvement includes paper presentations, roundtable discussion appearances and roles as presenters in workshops and meetings.
Note: This is a working list; for the most updated information, visit the NCA site.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and the Promise of “Justice?”: Examining Policy, Practice, and Pathways of Action for Communication Scholars and Administrators
Rockell Brown Burton (presenter)
Enaged Scholarship as a Path to Freedom: Co-Drafting Communication’s Commitments
Srividya Ramasubramanian (presenter)
Table 12
Nick Bowman (chair)
How to Get Published and Navigating the NCA Journals – Part 2
Nick Bowman (presenter)
Love It and/or Hate It, Journalism is Entertainment
Discerning Selfiers: Differences Between Taking and Sharing Selfies
Charisse L’Pree Corsbie-Massay (author)
A Tale of Two Cities: Media Representations of Homelessness in a Super Bowl Host City
Michelle Marie Johnson (author)
Explaining Health-Related Internet Use for Three Patient-Engagement Activities: Implications for Increasing Colorectal Cancer Screening in Rural U.S. Pacficic Northwest
Jocelyn McKinnon-Crowley (co-author)
Trends Engaged and Applied Communication Research: Implications for the Journal of Applied Communication Research
Srividya Ramasubramanian (presenter)
Touch Not My CROWN: Natural Hair Movement Agenda-Setting Role in the Passage of Non-Discrimination Act
Benjamin P. Tetteh (author)
Love It and/or Hate It, Journalism is Entertainment
Robert Thompson (co-author)
The Effect of Progressive Embodiment on Player-Avatar-Relationship: A Mediating Role of Self-Presence
Qualitative Inquiries into the Experience of Queer and Non-Queer Gamers’ Playing Gone Home
Nick Bowman (co-author)
NCA Publications Council Meeting
A Roundtable Discussion of Strengths and Weaknesses of Open Science in Communication Research
Nick Bowman (presenter)
Well Done Dr. Richard Wright: A Roundtable Celebrating 50 Years of Service, Scholarship, and Developing Black Educators
Rockell Brown Burton (presenter)
Freedom from the Ivory Tower: Black Women Surviving and Thriving in Academe
Charisse L’Pree Corsbie-Massay (presenter)
#IAmVanessaGuillen: How Social Media Drives Organizational Change
Michelle Marie Johnson (author)
The Effect of Progressive Embodiment on Player-Avatar-Relationship: A Mediating Role of Self-Presence
Yoon Esther Lee (author)
NCA Journal Editors’ Workshop
Enlivening, Embodying, and Energizing Data: Embracing Arts-Based Approaches to Health Communication Research on Disability and Chronic Illness
NCA Scholars’ Office Hours
A Roundtable Discussion of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Open Science in Communication Research
Srividya Ramasubramanian (presenter)
“Othered” Immigrants Seeking Freedom: Implications for Well-Being, Advocacy, and Counter-Narratives
Srividya Ramasubramanian (co-chair)
Recognizing and Encouraging Excellence: Administrator Role and Strategies for Awards for Faculty, Students, and Staff
Rockell Brown Burton (presenter)
DEI & Media Literacy: Challenges and Motivations of Media Literacy Educators Committed to Social Justice
Shannon Burth (author)
DEI & Media Literacy: Challenges and Motivations of Media Literacy Educators Committed to Social Justice
Critical Environmental Communication Framework
Srividya Ramasubramanian (co-author)
Creating Spaces of Freedom Through Mentorship and Community-Building in the International and Intercultural Communication Division
Srividya Ramasubramanian (co-presenter)
50 Years of Advancing of Advancing Public Relations Through Education: What’s Next?
Maria Russell (chair)
Navigating Toxicity in Academia: Reflections from International Student and Faculty
Benjamin P. Tetteh (presenter)