What are the requirements for my degree?
Degree requirements for the on-campus programs are listed on the approved program of study sheets published in the Newhouse Graduate Guidebook. You can also view your requirements in Degree Works.
The forms and procedures on this page are for Newhouse Graduate students.
Instructions for each form/procedure are listed below.
Forms that are available online are linked; email nhadvise@syr.edu for forms without a link.
Consult the Academic Calendar for appropriate deadlines. Note: Courses that do not run the entire semester have unique deadlines!
Degree requirements for the on-campus programs are listed on the approved program of study sheets published in the Newhouse Graduate Guidebook. You can also view your requirements in Degree Works.
Permission numbers are sent via email from NHWait@syr.edu. Check your @syr.edu email account regularly during the waitlist period. Once you’ve received a permission number, follow the steps below to add the class:
1. Sign onto MySlice with your NetID and Password
2. Click “Enroll in a Class”
3. Choose “add” at the top of the page
4. Enter the 5-digit class number on the left-hand side (in the box below “Enter Class Nbr”)
5. Hit “Enter” the class will appear in your Shopping Cart to the right
6. Once the class is in your Shopping Cart, click on the blue highlighted class name (Ex: ADV 200, Section 1, Class # 31391)
7.Enter the permission number in the box to the right (labeled “permission number”)
8. Click “next”
9. Click “enroll”
If you followed the above steps, but are still having difficulty, double check that you have entered the permission and class numbers correctly. If you are still having difficulty, contact NHWait@syr.edu.
Please select the link below for instructions.
How to add courses that are variable credit
To view your holds please go to:
Myslice -> Holds
Here you will see any holds on your account, what kind of hold and how to remove it. Please check your account for holds, frequently. Make sure to resolve these prior to registration times as some may restrict you from enrolling in courses.
*Only the office who has issued the hold can remove the hold.
The Graduate School has set a minimum grade point average for students to continue graduate work of at least a 2.8 out of 4.0 in the first 30 credits of graduate study. Your matriculation could be canceled if you do not meet this requirement. Furthermore, to be awarded a master’s degree, you must have a 3.0 average overall in your official program of study and at least a 2.8 in all graduate courses taken at Syracuse University. The Advising Office will notify you and put you on warning at the end of each term if the cumulative GPA has fallen below a 3.0.
In order to be considered to be making satisfactory degree progress, you must be enrolled in at least six credits per regular (fall, spring) semester. This rule may be waived for part-time students provided you have met with your program director and you have an agreed-upon plan for completing the degree in a timely manner
Lockers are available on a first come first served basis. No sign-up required. Students are responsible for providing their own locks. All lockers are the property of Syracuse University. Please refer to the Graduate Guidebooks for more information on the University’s locker policy.
Any questions regarding this policy may be referred directly to the Dean’s Office, Newhouse 1, Room 400.
Newhouse students receive a $40 credit at the beginning of each academic year for printing services in all campus computer labs, including the Newhouse computer labs. Prints will be deducted from your account automatically, based on the set cost for the printer you are printing to until that credit is exhausted. You can check your credit limit, print history and add funds to your account online. You will be notified via email when your printing account balance drops below $5, and again when it drops below $1.
Printing Cost
8.5″x11″ 2 cents per side
11″x17″ 3 cents per side
8.5″x11″ 16 cents per side
11″x17″ 18 cents per side
The default print setting on all Newhouse printers is duplex (double-sided) which results in a 40 percent printing discount for each print job. (So, for example, a four-page black-and-white document on 8.5 X 11 paper would cost 5 cents when duplexed, as opposed to 8 cents single-sided.)
Aside from communications law, you may use a Petition to Faculty to waive other course requirements. You may be asked to provide a syllabus and obtain approval from another Newhouse department other than your own. Once a requirement is waived, you must take an additional course or courses to make up the credits.
1. Complete the Petition to Faculty form.
2. Obtain the signature of your Program Director.
3. Send signed petition to nhadvise@syr.edu.
*We will accept an electronic signature or email.
Students can add courses on MySlice until the add deadline. If you need to add a course after the add deadline, contact your academic adviser to determine if you are eligible to submit a Request to Late Add a Course. Late add requests will only be supported for students with extenuating circumstances.
Dropping a class means it will be removed from your schedule as if you never took it. Students can web drop classes on MySlice through the Academic/Financial Drop deadline.
Flexible format courses
Flexible format courseshave unique deadlines. Refer to your class schedule on MySlice and click the calendar icon to view deadlines. This form should be used for enrollment changes for classes in which the deadlines have not passed.
1. Go to eForms to obtain the Add/Drop Flexible Session Class Form
2. Obtain a signature from the instructor of the course. We will accept an electronic signature or email.
3. Sign and save completed document as a PDF.
4. Submit the form to nhadvise@syr.edu for School approval.
If you took a communications law course within the past five years, you may be able to waive this master’s program requirement and take another course in its place. You must have earned a B or better in a relatively recent course. A course description and syllabus are required. You must complete the Communications Law Waiver Request form by June 14 if you plan to request a waiver.
Please submit the waiver form and the course syllabus in one email to nhadvise@syr.edu.
Click here for information on our wait list portal, policies, and important deadlines. Formerly known as the Newhouse Wait List
In order to be awarded a graduate degree by the University, you must File a Diploma Request via MySlice. You need to verify your name as it should appear on your diploma, your diploma mailing address, and the date you expect to graduate. There are four available graduation dates for master’s students: Spring (May), Summer (June or August), and Fall (December). This date is not a reflection of the graduation ceremony, but rather the date by which you will complete all degree requirements.
1. Go to MySlice then Academics.
2. On the lefthand side of the screen, select “Diploma Request”.
3. Select your program listed on the screen.
4. Choose your Expected Graduation Term and complete the form from there.
*Your diploma is mailed approximately six weeks after your master’s degree is certified.
In rare circumstances, this is used to certify a student as full-time during a particular term when a student is not registered for enough credits to be considered full-time. Click here to download this form.
Master’s students may audit courses on a space-available basis. You will not earn credit for an audited course, and it will not fulfill any degree requirements. This course will be marked as “AU” on your transcript and does not affect your GPA. The audit deadline is two weeks after the start of the semester (unless it is a flex class). There are no exceptions for this deadline.
The Newhouse School incorporates the university’s auditing policies, with the exception that students will not be permitted to audit classes that are limited to 20 or fewer students unless they get the permission of the Director of Academic Operations and instructor within the first week of class.
1. Email the Academic Advising office for pre-approval.
2. Once you have been approved, you will receive a permission number to add the course.
3. Once the course is added, fill out the Grading Option Audit Form. This will require the professor’s signature.
4. Once this is completed and proper signatures are acquired, send the final form to nhadvise@syr.edu before the published deadline.
To audit a course outside of Newhouse, please contact the department or school/college to find out the procedure.
The Pass/Fail option is not available to graduate students.
*We will accept an electronic signature or email.
1. Go to eForms to obtain the Proposal for Independent Study Form
2. Work with your faculty sponsor to complete the form; obtain a signature from your sponsor.
3. Obtain a signature from your Program Director.
4. Sign and save completed document as a PDF.
5. Submit the form to nhadvise@syr.edu.
*We will accept an electronic signature or email.
Internships may be completed as part of a specific internship class or you may earn credit for them by completing a proposal for COM 670. Please download the Internship Proposal/Agreement form. You will be working on this with your faculty sponsor.
1. Review the Steps to Internship Credit Registration sheet.
2. Go to eForms to obtain the Internship Proposal/Agreement Form.
3. Complete page 1 of the form.
• Newhouse internships that are not part of a specific class are always registered as COM 670.
• Indicate the number of credits. Graduate students must take internships for a letter grade.
4. Find a Newhouse faculty sponsor. Work with your Newhouse faculty sponsor to complete Page 2 of the form. Obtain a signature from your Newhouse faculty sponsor once Page 2 is complete.
5. Obtain the signature of your Program Director.
6. Submit the completed for to nhadvise@syr.edu.
7. Register your internship on Handshake.
*We will accept an electronic signature or email.
Apply for Internship Funding Assistance
Clements Internship Award
To initiate a request for a leave of absence from the University, contact your Program Director directly. Your Program Director will contact the Academic Advising Office and your Academic Adviser will set up a meeting to fill out the Leave of Absence form.
A Petition to Faculty is used when petitioning an exception, exemption or substitution. Each petition is reviewed on an individual basis. The supporting documentation and signatures required for each petition differ depending on the request.
1. Go to eForms to obtain the Petition to Faculty Form.
2. Complete the Petition.
3. Sign and save completed document as a PDF.
4. Obtain the approval and signature from your Program Director.
5. Submit the form to nhadvise@syr.edu.
6. You will receive confirmation via email once your petition has been approved or denied.
*We will accept an electronic signature or email.
1. Go to MySlice
2. Click on My Class Schedule
3. Click on Term Information
4. Click on My Religious Observances
5. Add a Notification
6. Enter Date and Event Description
Click here for more information on the Religious Observances Policy
If you would like to request a copy of a course syllabus for a class that you have previously taken at Newhouse, please email nhaa@syr.edu. In this email, please include the following details:
1. Name and SUID number
2. Course prefix and number (Example: COM 107)
3. Name of the professor that taught the course
4. Year and semester you took the course (Example: Fall 2023)
5. Reason for needing the syllabus
Incomplete grades can be granted only when exceptional circumstances prevent a student from completing a course within the usual time limits. Please review the Grading information from the Registrar’s Office. An approved incomplete represents a contract between the student and the professor and specifies the reason for granting an incomplete and the conditions and time limit for removing it. All requests for an incomplete must be submitted prior to the completion of the semester.
You must keep in mind that the granting of an incomplete is a special favor awarded by a professor, and evaluating work submitted to satisfy an incomplete often conflicts with the professor’s obligations to their subsequent students, which, of course, must take precedence. Thus, you should not expect work submitted in completion of an incomplete to be graded with the same promptness as work submitted on time in regularly scheduled classes.
Once you are ready to work on the thesis, several forms are required. Those include the Master’s Thesis Proposal Acceptance Form, the Proposed Master’s Thesis Adviser and Committee, and Request for Examination.
To obtain an official transcript from SU, you may submit your request through:
MySlice-> Academics -> Transcript-> Official Transcript
You may order up to three free transcripts while you are enrolled. A cost of $12 per transcript plus delivery fees will apply after that. You also have the option of printing your own unofficial transcript from MySlice.