Master’s Alumni Profile: Joey Creighton G’18

Joey Creighton G’18 

Newhouse Master’s Program: Advanced Media Management 
Current position: Social Research and Insights Manager, MTV Entertainment Group, Paramount 

What set you on your career path? 

My undergraduate degree was in information management and technology, which led to my first job in technology consulting. After exploring that, I decided that I wanted to make a career shift into media and communications, which is where I found the Advanced Media Management program at Newhouse.  

After I received my graduate degree, I went on to work in social media analytics on the vendor side working with different sports, media and entertainment organizations to measure their social media performance. This then led me to MTV Entertainment within Paramount, where I work with different brands and shows in social research. 

What skills did you acquire at Newhouse that you use in your work now? 

My Advanced Media Management graduate program involved coursework in both Newhouse and (the Whitman School of Management) to give me a very well-rounded understanding and background of the business side of the communications industry. I had exposure to different analytics tools and learned how to think critically about the way that the communications and media industry is shifting. There was a large focus on emerging technology and trends that will continue to develop in the years to come. 

What experiences or activities that you took part in outside the classroom stand out from your time as a graduate student at Newhouse? 

Outside the classroom, I was a research assistant for a project involving how the police department in Bangor, Maine, was using social media to engage with residents and people throughout the country. It was super interesting to see how a department from such a small town was able to reach such a large audience through the power of social media. The skills I learned throughout this research project have extended into my current role in research at Paramount. I also was a member of the Newhouse Seagulls Soccer Team which was super fun in meeting new friends from throughout Newhouse. 

What does it mean to you to be a Newhouse alum? 

I’m always super proud to be a Newhouse alum. All my career opportunities after graduating can be attributed to Newhouse’s incredible alumni network. Alums have always been super welcoming and willing to lend a hand in career pursuits. Prior to my current job when I was working in social media analytics, it was always wild when being on calls with different media and entertainment brands to learn of other Newhouse grads on the call. The Newhouse Network is incredible and something that can’t be replicated elsewhere.  

a man stands next to the MTV Moonman in the MTV Studios
“I’m always super proud to be a Newhouse alum. All my career opportunities after graduating can be attributed to Newhouse’s incredible alumni network,” said Creighton. (Photo courtesy of Joey Creighton)

What advice would you offer someone thinking about pursuing a graduate degree? 

I think it’s first important to understand the goal that you have for pursuing a grad degree. My undergraduate education was in information management and technology and I wanted to further explore the communications and media side of technology, so my grad degree in Advanced Media Management made for a great fit. Newhouse offers so many different paths that it makes it easy to find what best suits your future goals. I also think it’s great to get to know various program directors and professors that will be involved with your graduate degree to get a sense for the experience you’ll get in that program, and to make it as rewarding as possible.   

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

I’m really enjoying what I am currently doing in social research and insights at Paramount. I love being able to use numbers and analytics to drive decision making and maximize the impact that social media has for different shows, brands, events and franchises. I’d love to grow and expand in my current role and continue to explore the evolving streaming landscape and how social media impacts streaming performance.