Carvalho, R., Santia, M. & Ramasubramanian, S. (in press). Framing Yanomami people: Comparing Indigenous news representations between Brazil & the U.S. during COVID-19. Ethnic & Racial Studies.
Kaur-Gill, S. & Ramasubramanian, S. (in press). The framing of Sikh Americans: White Christonormativity, discursive hyper(in)visibilities, and the racialization of religion, Journal of International & Intercultural Communication.
Ramasubramanian, S., Ittefaq, M., Ogunsanwo, F., Dragić, L., & Tetteh, B. (in press). De-westernizing media psychology. In Rachel L. Bailey & Glenna L. Read (Eds.) De Gruyter’s Handbook of Media Psychology. De Gruyter.
Ramasubramanian, S. & Banjo, O. O. Critical Media Effects (in press) (Journal article reprinted as book chapter). In Eds. S. Ramasubramanian & O.O. Banjo (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Media & Social Justice. Oxford University Press.
Ramasubramanian, S., Johnson, P. R., & Burth, S. (in press). Media Literacy Education: Access, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. In E. Scharrer (Ed.). Children, Media, and Technology: Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S., Scharrer, E., & Burth, S. (in press). Doing research on media psychology and social justice. In K. Dill-Shackleford & N. Bowman (Eds.)., Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology (2nd edition); Oxford University Press.
Ramasubramanian, S., Riewestahl, E. & Tacheva, J. Critical algorithmic literacy: Critical approaches to quantitative data sciences. (in press). In (Eds.). H. Badr & K. Wilkins. Critical Communication Research with Global Inclusivity. Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S., Burth S., MacMillian, M. Data for social justice: From problem-definition to policy change (in press). In Eds. S. Ramasubramanian & O.O. Banjo (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Media & Social Justice. Oxford University Press.
Ramasubramanian, S. & Robinson, T. (in press) Racism and health. Encyclopedia of Health Humanities. Palgrave.
Ramasubramanian, S. & Riewestahl, E. (in press). Health and trauma. Encyclopedia of Health Humanities. Palgrave.
Burth, S. Riewestahl, E., Ramasubramanian, S., Foster, B., Johnson, P. R., Mihailidis, P. & Tully M. (2024). 6 E’s of media literacy impact. The Annals of the International Communication Association.
Banjo, O.O., Corsbie-Massay, C.L., Torner, E., Ramasubramanian, S., & Taylor, R. (2024). Digital deconstructions and research reconsiderations: A critical media effects approach to understanding the meaning of race in digital spaces. In Travis L. Dixon & Dana Mastro (Eds.). U.S. Media and Diversity: Representation, Discrimination, and Effects. Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781003452829-11
Ramasubramanian, S. (2024). Intercultural Communication. TJ Billard & Silvio Waisbord (Eds.) Handbook of Public Scholarship. Illinois University Press.
Ramasubramanian, S., Riles, J., & Banjo, O. O. (2024). Culture counts: Quantitative approaches to critical intercultural communication. Halualani, R. & Nakayama. T. (Eds). Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication, Wiley Press. DOI: 9781119745426 9781119745396.
Harris, T.M., Lemelson, R., Tucker, A., Ramasubramanian, S., Banjo, O.O., Hjort, M., Flory, D., Bloodsworth-Lugo, M.K., & Cook. A. (2024). Cognition, Stigma, and Inclusivity Roundtable. Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind, 18(1).
Ramasubramanian, S., & Muhtaseb, A. (2024). On the censoring of Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb (Editor’s collective). Communication Monographs, 91(1), 1–6.
Soliz, J. & Ramasubramanian, S. (2023). Difficult conversations concerning identity and difference: diverse approaches and perspectives. Human Communication Research, 49(2), 113–115,
Ramasubramanian, S. & Wolfe, A. (2023). Action-oriented racial dialogues for systemic change: A trauma-informed approach. In B. van Gilder, J. Austin, & J. Bishop (Eds.). Communication and Organizational Changemaking for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Case Studies Approach, (pp. 212-226; Chapter 14) Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S. & Ramirez, A. (2023). Community-based art interventions, migrant health inequalities, and COVID-19 coping. In S. Kaur-Gill & M.J. Dutta (Eds.). Migrant Health and COVID-19: Communicative and Outbreak Inequalities,” Palgrave-MacMillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-7384-0_10
Koswatta, T., Parrella, J., Leggette, H., Ramasubramanian, S., & Rutherford, T. (2022). Improving public science communication: A case study of scientists’ needs when communicating beyond the academy. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 12(2), 174–191, DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2022.2055191.
Riles, J., Ramasubramanian, S. & Behm-Morawitz, E. (2022). Theory development and evaluation within a Critical Media Effects framework: An intersectional identity approach to media psychology. Journal of Media Psychology, 34(2), 101–112;
Parrella, J., Koswatta, T., Leggette, H., Ramasubramanian, S., & Rutherford, T. (2022). Teaching scientists to communicate: Developing science communication training curricula based on scientists’ knowledge and self-reflectiveness. International Journal of Science Education. Part B,
Ramasubramanian, S. (2022). CIH (Complementary and Integrative Healthcare): Mindfulness/Meditation. International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley Press.
Ramasubramanian, S. (2022). Inclusive Practice. In Friesem, Y., Raman, U., Kanižaj, I., & Choi, G.Y. (Eds). The Routledge Handbook on Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic. Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S. & Johnson, P. (2022). Media and the social world. In Lemish, D. (Ed.). International Handbook of Children, Adolescents, and Media. Routledge.
Ramasubramanian, S. (2022). Critical Media Effects. Orbe, M., Sims, J. & Austin, J. (Eds). Communication Theory: Racially Diverse & Inclusive Perspectives. Cognella.
Dutta, M., Ramasubramanian, S., Barrett, M., Elers, C., Sarwatay, D., Raghunath, P., Tallum, E., Roy, S., Soriano, C., Kaur, S., Dutta, D., Johnson, G.M., Mandal, I., Dutta, U., Basnyat, I., Ganesh, S., Pavarala, V., & and Sreekumar, T. T. (2021). Decolonizing Open Science: Southern interventions, Journal of Communication, 71(5), 803–826. Full text
Ramasubramanian, S. & Sousa, A. (2021). Communication scholar-activism: Conceptualizing key dimensions and practices based on interviews with Communication scholar-activists. Journal of Applied Communication Research.
Quintero Johnson, J. M., Saleem, M., Tang, L., Ramasubramanian, S., & Riewestahl, E. (2021). Media Use During COVID-19: An Investigation of Negative Effects on the Mental Health of Asian Versus White Americans, Frontiers in Communication, 6(79).
Sarwatay, D., Raman, U., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2021). Media literacy, social connectedness, and digital citizenship in India: Mapping stakeholders on how parents and young people navigate a social world, Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3(9).
Ramasubramanian, S. and Dutta, M. J. (2023). The CODE^SHIFT Model: A Data Justice Framework for Collective Impact and Social Transformation Human Communication Research, 1–11. (50th anniversary special issue co-edited by Mary Beth Oliver, Tamara Afifi, and Homero Gil de Zuñiga).
Tacheva, J. and Ramasubramanian, S. (2023). AI Empire: Unraveling the Interlocking Systems of Oppression in Generative AI’s Global Order. Big Data & Society, 10(2), 1–13.
Foster, B., Mihailidis, P., Johnson, P. R., Burth, S., Riewestahl, E., Tully M., & Ramasubramanian, S. (2024). Designing equitable media literacy interventions for critical youth agency. Global Studies of Childhood.
Riewestahl, E., Baker, E., Ramasubramanian, S. and Merchant, L. (2023). Framing the Enbridge oil pipeline #3 project: A comparative content analysis of Native American tribal newspapers and mainstream regional newspapers. In R. Lind (Ed.). Race/Gender/Class/Media (Fifth edition). Routledge. Full text.
Ramasubramanian, S., Ramirez, A. and Riewestahl, E. (2023). Race and ethnic stereotypes in the media. In Federico Subervi (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication. Oxford University Press. Full text.
Ramasubramanian, S. (2022). CIH (Complementary and Integrative Healthcare): Mindfulness/Meditation. International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley Press. Full text.
Johnson, P., Foster. B., Riewestahl, E., Tully, M., Ramasubramanian, S., & Mihailidis, P. (2022). Critical media literacy practices for equitable futures: A field guide for ELA educators. In M.T. Christel & W. Kist (Eds.) Special Issues on Critical Media Literacy. NCTE Publication. Full text.
Ramasubramanian, S., and Riewestahl, E. (2022). Trauma-informed approaches. International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley Press.
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M., Bhusari, B., Johnson, P., and Riewestahl, E. (2021). Equity and Impact in Media Literacy Practice: Mapping the Field in the United States. National Association for Media Literacy Education.
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M., Foster. B., Riewestahl, E., and Johnson, P. (2021). Do media literacies approach equity & justice? Journal of Media Literacy Education. 13(2), 1-14.
Ramasubramanian, S., Riewestahl, E., and Landmark, S. (2021) The Trauma-informed Equity-minded Asset-based Model (TEAM): The six R’s for social justice-oriented educators; Journal of Media Literacy Education. 13(2), 29-42.
Santia, M., de Carvalho, R., Burth, S., & Ramasubramanian, S. (forthcoming in August 2024). Indigenous Peoples’ Day or Columbus Day? A Qualitative Analysis of Contested News Narratives. AEJMC, Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.
de Carvalho, R., Santia, M., & Ramasubramanian, S. (forthcoming, August 2024). Framing the Yanomami People during COVID-19: A Content Analysis of U.S. Media Coverage of the Indigenous Health Emergency in Brazil. ICA, Gold Coast, Australia, 2024
Satveer Kaur & Ramasubramanian, S. (forthcoming, August 2024) Data justice and trauma-informed approaches to health equity. ICA, Gold Coast, Australia, 2024
Burth, S. & Lee, Y. E. (2024). The Role of Critical Media Literacy and Identity on Audience Responses to Outdated Cultural Depiction Labels on Older Entertainment Media. RIT Student Research in Communication Conference, Rochester, NY. [Top Poster Award]
Ramasubramanian, S. Open Science. Research Council Panel, NCA, National Harbor, MD, 2023.
Ramasubramanian, S. Enlivening, Embodying, and Energizing Data: Embracing Arts-Based Research in Disability & Chronic Illness, NCA, National Harbor, MD, 2023.
Ramasubramanian, S. Trends in Engaged and Applied Communication Research: Implications for the Journal of Applied Communication Research, NCA, National Harbor, MD, 2023.
Ramasubramanian, S. Engaged Scholarship as a Path to Freedom: Co-Drafting Communication’s Commitments, NCA, National Harbor, MD, 2023.
Ramasubramanian, S. Critical Approaches to Quantitative Research. ICA, Toronto, Canada, 2023
Ramasubramanian, S. Inclusive Media Literacy. Council of Communication Associations Panel: “More than Who: Evaluating authenticity through media literacy habits”, ICA, Toronto, Canada, 2023
Ramasubramanian, S. Media Resistances, Collective Organizing, and Global Activism Panel. ICA, Toronto, Canada, 2023
Ramasubramanian, S & Chen, Y. Decolonizing Communication Pedagogy: Principles and Practices; Blue Sky Workshop. International Communication Association, Toronto, CA., 2023
Ramasubramanian, S. Closing Plenary Moderator: Authentic Indigenous Scholarship and Its Relevance to the Communication Discipline. ICA, Toronto, Canada, 2023
Banjo, O.O., Corsbie-Massay, C.L., Torner, E., Ramasubramanian, S., & Taylor, R “Digital Deconstructions and Research Reconsiderations: A critical media effects approach to understanding the meaning of race in digital spaces, Broadcast Educators Association (BEA), April 2023, Las Vegas, NV., 2023
Ramasubramanian, S. & Tacheva, J. Data Resurgence: 2SQTBIPOC Strategies for Abolishing Algorithmic Apartheid, MetLife Foundation – Lender Center for Social Justice Symposium, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY., 2023
Kaur-Gill, S. & Ramasubramanian, S. Hyper(In)Visibility, White Christonormative gaze, and ecological discursive systems: Sikh representations in the news. NCA, New Orleans, LA., 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. Panelist, Honoring PLACE in Media Literacy: Equity, Voice, and Action for Social Justice, NCA, New Orleans, LA., 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. Panelist, Honoring Community: Advocating for Liberation Through Community-Centered Scholarship, NCA, New Orleans, LA., 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. Arts-Based Interventions in Mental Health. Preconference: Using Creative and Art-Based Research Approaches to Expand Equity, Advocacy, and Impact of Health and Disability Comm Research; NCA, New Orleans, LA., 2022
Scharrer, E. & Ramasubramanian, S. The Power of Numbers and the Rise of Quantitative Criticalism: Opportunities and Challenges of Using Quantitative Research Methods for Social Justice: Blue Sky Workshop, ICA, Paris, France, 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. Scholar-Activism as Public Scholarship Within Critical Intercultural Communication. ICA, Paris, France, 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. Open Communication Scholarship: Two Years Later. ICA, Paris, France, 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. Panelist: Flipping the Script: Can Adolescent Science Be Integrated into Mainstream Media Content to Better Support Positive Youth Development; Society for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA., 2022
Ramasubramanian, S. & Wolfe, A. A Trauma-Informed and Racially Conscious Approach to Interracial Communication. NCA (virtual presentation), Seattle, WA., 2021
Rodriguez, M., Riewestahl, E. & Ramasubramanian, S. Campus Racism, Student Activism, and Online Discourses in the Trumpian Era: An NLP Analysis of Anti-Racist Hashtags at a PWI. NCA, Seattle, WA., 2021
Wolfe, A. W., Eblen, K. J., Embile, I., James-Gallaway, C., Rodriguez, M., Tran, P., & Ramasubramanian, S. (Trans)Forming racial inequity through difficult dialogues: Storytelling as a vehicle for co-cultural and dominant group communication practices. NCA, Seattle, WA., 2021
Ramasubramanian, S. & Riewestahl, E. An Intersectional Trauma-Informed Approach to Communication in Health Care Settings. NCA (virtual), Seattle, WA., 2021
Ramasubramanian, S. Reflections on the “social justice turn” in Communication: Problematizing, materializing, globalizing critical futures of the discipline, NCA (virtual), Seattle, WA., 2021
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M. Equity and impact in media literacy practice: Mapping the field in the United States. NAMLE (Virtual), 2021
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S. Tully, M., Notley, T., Dezuanni, M., Park, S., & Culver, S. H. NAMLE International Research Initiative: Exploring Media Literacy in the U.S. and Australia, NAMLE (virtual conference), 2021
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S. Tully, M., NAMLE Research Project: Mapping Impactful Media Literacy Practices; NAMLE (virtual conference), 2021
Sarwatay, D. Raman, U. & Ramasubramanian, S. Media Literacy, Social Connectedness, and Digital Citizenship in India: Mapping Stakeholders on How Parents and Young People Navigate a Social World. IAMCR (virtual conference). Nairobi, Kenya, 2021
Ramasubramanian, S. Riewestahl, E. & Landmark, S. A Trauma-Informed Anti-Racist Approach to Media Literacy Scholarship. ICA (Virtual), Denver, CO., 2021
Ramasubramanian, S. Diversity Work, Communities of Care, and Collective Healing. ICA (Virtual), Denver, CO., 2021
Ramasubramanian, S. & Ramirez, A. Art activism, collective healing, and COVID-19 coping among immigrants. ICA (Virtual), Denver, CO., 2021
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tulley, M. Mapping Impactful Media Practice for Social Justice. Presented at the Social Justice & Media Symposium (Virtual). Emerson College., 2021
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M., Foster, B., Riewestahl, E., & Johnson, P. Mapping Impactful Media Practice for equitable and inclusive Civic Futures in the United States. Presented at the International Media Education Summit (Virtual). U.K., 2021
Ramasubramanian, S., Burth, S., McMillian, M., Bhatti, S. J., Riles, J..M, Behm-Morawitz, E., Yin, M. (forthcoming in June 2024). The Role of Media Literacy & Identities in Youth Civic Engagement and Media Activism; ICA, Gold Coast, Australia, 2024
de Carvalho, R., Santia, M., & Ramasubramanian, S. (forthcoming in June 2024). Framing the Yanomami People during COVID-19: A Content Analysis of U.S. Media Coverage of the Indigenous Health Emergency in Brazil. ICA, Gold Coast, Australia, 2024
Bowman, N. D., Lee, Y.E., Burth, S., Ramasubramanian, S. (forthcoming in June 2024). Exploring Audience Responses to Outdated Cultural Depictions Labels on Older Entertainment Media: A Mixed Methods Study. ICA, Gold Coast, Australia, 2024
Burth, S. and Ramasubramanian, S. (November 2023) DEI and Media Literacy, National Communication Association, National Harbor, MD.
Bhatti, S. and colleagues. (November 2023) Critical Environmental Communication Framework, National Communication Association, National Harbor, MD.
Ramasubramanian, S. and Tacheva. J. Challenging AI Empire: Data Resurgence as Revolutionary Tactics for the Digital Age, Association of Internet Researchers, Philadelphia, PA.
Ramasubramanian, S., Bhatti, S. J., Santia, M. and Tang, L. (May 2023) Asian American Mental Health, Ethnic Blame, and Media Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Communication Association, Toronto, CA.
Ramasubramanian, S., de Carvalho, R., Brown, C., Couri, D.C., Winfield, A., Wilson, J. and Wolfe., A. (May 2023). Action-Based Anti-Racism Dialogues: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Organizational Change-Making, International Communication Association, Toronto, CA.
Riewestahl, E., Baker, E., Ramasubramanian, S., and Merchant, L. (November 2022). Indigenous Media Forms, Frames, & Futurisms: Comparing Anishinaabe and Mainstream News Coverage of the Line #3 Pipeline Project. National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA. [TOP PAPER AWARD]
Ramasubramanian, S., Baker, E., Bhatti, S., Burth, S., McKoy, K., and Yin. M. (October 2022). Fostering the Future of Research within a Collaboratory for Data Equity, Social Healing, Inclusive Futures and Transformation. Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, Oakland, CA.
Baker, E., Nordquist, B., Badr. A., Ramasubramanian, S., Wang, W., and Bhadki, M. (October 2022). Communities of Care and Resilience through Arts-Based Digital Storytelling: The Narratio Project, Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, Oakland, CA.
Burth, S., Riewestahl, E., Ramasubramanian, S., Foster, B., Johnson, P. R., Mihailidis, P. and Tully, M. (October, 2022). The 6E’s of Media Literacy Impact: A Framework to Understand Differential Outcomes of Media Literacy Practices; Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas, Oakland, CA.
Riewestahl, E., Baker, E., Ramasubramanian, S., and Merchant, L. (2022). Kinship, Security, Resistance: Comparing Indigenous and non-Indigenous Media Coverage of Line #3. Seven Generation Inter-Tribal Leadership Summit, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University, Hayward, WI.
Johnson, P. R., Tully M., Foster, B., Riewestahl, E., Ramasubramanian, S., and Mihailidis, P. (August 2022). Developing a framework for equitable media literacy practice: Voices from the field. AEJMC 105th Annual Conference. Detroit, MI.
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M., Johnson, P., Riewestahl, E., and Foster, B. (2022) Media Literacy as a Safeguard to Democracy. International Media Literacy Research Symposium. Madison, WI.
Riewestahl, E., Baker, E., and Ramasubramanian, S. (May 2022). Framing the Enbridge Oil Line #3 Project: A Comparative Content Analysis of Anishinaabeg Newspapers and Mainstream Regional Newspapers, International Communication Association, Paris, France.
Ramasubramanian, S., Burth, S., McKoy, K. and Wang, W. CODE^SHIFT: Public Impact, Collaborative Research, and Data Equity, Newhouse Impact Symposium, Syracuse U, November 2022.
CNY Humanities Corridor Grant, Communication & Social Justice Working Group (with Cornell U), Continuing Working Group Grant, $2000 for Fall 2022 and $2500 for Fall 2023
Syracuse Repair Symposium, “Embodied Citizenship, Precarity, and Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic” exhibit and “Critical Autoethnography & Poetic Transcription” workshop; Center for Humanities, Syracuse University, 2022-2023; $4000
PI, CNY Humanities Corridor Grant, Inclusive Storytelling Symposium (with Cornell U), Continuing Working Group Grant, $2250 for Fall 2023
Co-PI, National Association for Media Literacy Education; Mapping Media Literacy Project: Field Guide Research, $15,000 for 2023-2024
Research Consultant, State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical Center, WHO maternal mental health disparities manual project, $10,000 for Spring 2022