Joshua Castillo

Joshua Castillo

Joshua Castillo joined the Newhouse School in December 2023 as an administrative assistant. In this role, he assists with activities related to the Newhouse Knight Chair position, handles budget-related duties in the Budget Office and supports special projects and initiatives for which the Dean’s Office commits support.

He started his career in the public sector as a resident response representative and then transitioned into the private sector as a customer and tech support for products. Joshua then worked for a family-owned business as a general support, before moving to Binghamton and expanding his experience managing and operating a bible center while working in local companies like NYSEG and United Health Services.

Joshua’s multifaceted experience in the corporate and public world gives him the skills and patience to adequately respond to any issues or requirements needed from faculty and staff. In his free time, he represents ASEZ and ASEZ WAO (Saving the Earth from A to Z and We Are One) as an event representative and promotes and creates events that achieve the 17 SDGs established by the UN. If you ever want to go for a trip into the deeper aspects of the bible or just took the time to read his bio don’t be afraid to say "Hi" when you see this bald man, with a smile for no reason, walking around. 

Joshua graduated from Montclair State University with a degree in anthropology and public administration.

“Even God came to serve, not to be served. When we serve one another without wanting to be served, God will be pleased.”– Mother’s Teaching