Hua Jiang

Hua Jiang

  • Associate Dean

    Academic Affairs
  • Professor

    Public Relations

Hua Jiang, Ph.D., is associate dean of academic affairs and a professor of public relations at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications. Jiang’s primary research interests include employee communication, social media engagement, corporate social responsibility, corporate social advocacy, reputation management and mental health research and campaigns.

Jiang has published more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. Her work has appeared in leading refereed journals, such as Communication Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Environmental Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Health Communication, International Journal of Business Communication, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Telematics and Informatics, Social Science Computer Review, Journal of Public Relations Research and Public Relations Review, among others. She serves on the editorial boards of top three public relations journals: Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review and Public Relations Journal (PRSA journal). Jiang also received over 10 top paper awards and research recognitions from national and international flagship communication associations. She was a recipient of the Top Faculty Paper Award from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) in 2017. In 2016, She was a recipient of the Top Faculty Paper Award from the International Communication Association (ICA), The Arthur W. Page Center Benchmarking Award and IPRRC Top 3 Competition Paper of Practical Significance Award from the International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC). Jiang was also selected as a 2014 fellow of the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations and a 2017-2018 Arthur W. Page Center Legacy Scholar.

Jiang has been enthusiastically involved in establishing connections with the public relations and corporate communications industry. She served on the Diversity Distinction in PR Awards Review Committee of PRWeek and chaired the National Committee on Work, Life, and Gender (WLG) of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). She also worked closely with several nonprofit organizations, such as People’s Community Health Centers Foundation (PCHC), the Arc of Baltimore, 50 Years Is Enough and the Amity Foundation. Jiang was a key statistician for the Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media that the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) sponsored. She regularly contributed research-based professional blogs to the Institute for Public Relations’ Organizational Communication Research Center.

Jiang earned a Ph.D. in communication in 2009 from the University of Maryland, College Park. She also earned a master’s degree in linguistics as well as a B.A. in English literature and language, both from Nanjing University, China.