Brad Gorham

Brad Gorham

  • Chair

  • Associate Professor

  • Director of Global Partnerships

Brad Gorham enjoys the challenge of teaching communication theory and research to students. He feels that all students, regardless of their major, can benefit from learning more about how the media work and what effects they may (or may not) have on audiences.

Gorham's research focuses on the ways people process media information about social groups, particularly how stereotypes affect the way people make sense of the media content they consume. He approaches the study of media stereotypes from both a psychological and a cultural perspective, incorporating quantitative and qualitative theory and methods to examine the way the mass media contribute to stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.

His research has been published in the Journal of Communication and the Howard Journal of Communications, and he has presented top papers at the annual conferences of both the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and the International Communication Association.