Two Newhouse student projects place in top 15 in Hearst multimedia competition

Advertising senior Sonny Cirasuolo and newspaper and online journalism alumnus Sam Ogazalek ’20 both placed in the top 15 in the Hearst Multimedia Innovative Storytelling competition.

Sam Ogozalek ’20

Ogozalek wrote his 10th place story about the diversity challenge for staffing campus counseling services for The 61% Percent Project .

Ogozalek is currently reporting for The Island Packet in South Carolina as part of Report for America.

View “The Demand for Diverse Counseling Centers”>>

Sonny Cirasuolo

Cirasuolo’s project, a virtual winter tour of Old Forge that intertwined a series of 360-degree videos, placed 14th in the contest.

The project was produced as part of Dan Pacheco’s virtual storytelling course and published on The NewsHouse.

View “Forging ahead with a winter adventure”>>

Congratulations to both winners!