My name is Zach Vinci and I’m a junior currently attending the Newhouse LA Spring 2023 semester. Being here in LA is such a great opportunity for anyone who wants to go into the movie or television industry. I’ve learned so much already through my internship at Escape Artists Productions, which is a production company that’s on the Sony lot. For my internship I do coverage writing, which means I read unproduced scripts that agents and writers send to the company hoping to get those scripts produced. I give my feedback on whether or not that script is good enough to go into the next stage of development. Getting to go to a real studio for work every day and interact with and meet with professionals who do what I want to do in the future is an incredible experience and has taught me a great deal about myself and the industry as whole. Not to mention that classes are taught by working professionals and it also provides a chance to get out of the Syracuse snow and enjoy the beautiful LA weather. For anyone interested in going into movies or television for their career, I highly recommend taking advantage of this amazing opportunity and coming out here for a semester.
Zach Vinci is a junior in the television, radio and film program at the Newhouse School.