My name is Idan Jaffe and I am a rising junior at Syracuse University studying television, radio and film at the Newhouse School. I am so grateful to be participating in the SULA program because of the opportunities and the knowledge that I have gained in my internship. My internship this summer is at The Gorgeous Media Group which is a management firm that works with different actors in managing their careers while getting them acting roles. I have learned so much working at this firm from the ins and outs of the industry, to judging talent based on auditions, to learning how to work with actors and develop them to their full potential. The manager at this firm, Versa Manos, has given me so much guidance along with her assistant Evan on how to interact with clients and what to expect while working with actors in Hollywood. During my work days I am working on different tasks like making lookbooks for headshot sessions, helping submit auditions and reading scripts for different clients. I am so grateful for SULA and The Gorgeous Media Group for giving me such an amazing opportunity to learn more about the entertainment industry and kick start my career.
Idan Jaffe is a junior in the television, radio and film program at the Newhouse School.