Students, student work win at annual Syracuse Press Club Awards Dinner

Syracuse Press Club Awards Dinner May 7. Collectively, they earned 17 1st Place prizes in many student and professional categories.

Also, broadcast and digital journalism senior Moriah Humiston won the $2,000 Devestry-Williams Scholarship as the top student journalist from Central New York, while WAER General Manager Chris Bolt was recognized with the 2022 SPC Professional Standards Award.


Radio/Podcast News Story
2nd Place: “Our Poisoned Kids,” Sydney Gold (Deconstructing the Divide)

Radio/Podcast Feature Story
1st Place: “A team effort to help the homeless in New York City,” Nicole Aponte (NCC News)
2nd Place: “Personal Taste,” Abby Fritz (The NewsHouse)

Best Use of Multimedia
1st Place: “Deconstructing the Divide,” Deconstructing the Divide Staff
2nd Place: “Upstate Unearthed,” Upstate Unearthed Staff

Print/Digital News Story
1st Place: “Visualizing 81,” Amanda Paule (Deconstructing the Divide)
2nd Place: “Syracuse grapples with COVID one year later,” The NewsHouse Staff (The NewsHouse)
Honorable Mention: “Social Media Support,” Nhari Djan (Deconstructing the Divide)

Print/Digital Feature Story
1st Place: “Underrepresented on the Road,” Nhari Djan (Upstate Unearthed)
2nd Place: “Welcome to the COVID Rush of Seeds, Weeds & Foraged Leaves,” Vivian Whitney (Upstate Unearthed)
Honorable Mention: “Honey the neighbors are bullying us on Facebook again,” Eleanor Quarles (The NewsHouse)

Print/Digital Sports Story
1st Place: “Why Doesn’t SU pay Otto the Oranges,” Christopher Cicchellio (The NewsHouse)
2nd Place: “The rise and fall of Syracuse’s northeast recruiting base,” Connor Smith (The Daily Orange)
Honorable Mention: “Don’t Use the F-word When You Talk Disc Golf,” Dominick Pfisterer (Upstate Unearthed)
Honorable Mention: “Syracuse’s defense is forcing turnovers and flipping momentum,” Dean Zulkofske (The NewsHouse)

Television/Video News Story
1st Place: “Syracuse Students Perform Impromptu Rooftop Concert,” Ricky Sayer (CitrusTV)
2nd Place: “Restaurant Workers Left Off Vaccine Eligibility List,” Ricky Sayer (NCC News)

Television/Video Feature Story
Honorable Mention: “Where do Syracuse’s COVID-19 tests go?,” Moriah Humiston (NCC News)
1st Place: “Holiday,” Gloria Lepko, Bethanie Ryan (The NewsHouse)
2nd Place: “At 87, a Retired Syracuse University Professor Still Works to Leave a Lasting Legacy,” Ricky Sayer (NCC News)

Television/Video Sports Story
1st Place: “The Comeback Year,” Annie Boos (The NewsHouse/Sports Media Center)


Carl Single Award for Spot News Photography
2nd Place: The Stand Newspaper, “March for Justice for I-81,” Mike Greenlar

Feature Photo
1st Place: “Fighting Food Insecurity,” Zachary J. Krahmer (Deconstructing the Divide)
2nd Place: “Rip the Runway,” Max Mimaroglu (The NewsHouse)

Photo Essay
1st Place: “Welcome to the Spot,” Gavin Liddell (Upstate Unearthed)
Honorable Mention: “For the Win,” TJ Shaw (Deconstructing the Divide)

2nd Place: The Stand Newspaper, Photo Walk, Lisa Salisbury Hackley

Sports Photo
1st Place: “Flying High,” Isaiah Vazquez (The NewsHouse)
2nd Place: “Reflecting on a Win,” Isaiah Vazquez (The NewsHouse)


Front Page Design
2nd Place: The Stand Newspaper, Ashley Kang, Kevin Camelo Bonilla

Spot News
1st Place: The Stand Newspaper, “First Pop-Up COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Held in the South Side,” Violet Lazarus

2nd Place: The Stand Newspaper, “Homegrown Opera,” Reggie Seigler
Honorable Mention: The Stand Newspaper, “Opinion: Gerrypandering,” Jeff Kramer


Sports Story
2nd Place: The Stand Newspaper, “The Darkness Before Light,” Kambui Bomani

News Feature or Series
1st Place: The Stand Newspaper, “One in 10 Syracuse Children Have Elevated Blood Lead Levels,” Sydney Gold

Human Interest Feature or Series
2nd Place: The Stand Newspaper, “Speaking Their Love Language,” Marnie Munoz


Human Interest Feature or Series
1st Place: WAER 88.3FM, “Syracuse Neighborhood Food Pantry Needs More Space,” Katie Zilcosky

Spot News
2nd Place: WAER 88.3FM, “Swift Reactions to Jan 6th insurrection at US Capitol from local representatives, law experts,” Chris Bolt

Investigative Story or Series
1st Place: WAER 88.3FM, “Why are COVID Vaccinations Lagging in Certain Communities?,” Chris Bolt

News Feature or Series
1st Place: WAER 88.3FM, “Syracuse School Resource Officers; Necessary?,” Katie Zilcosky

Sports Show
2nd Place: WAER 88.3FM, SportsNight Basketball Preview, Matt Bonaparte, Ben Shulman

Sports Story
1st Place: WAER 88.3FM, “The Portal,” Calvin Christoforo