Newhouse student work wins EPPY Awards

Congratulations to the teams behind NCC News and The NewsHouse’s special project, “Deconstructing the Divide,” both of which earned EPPY Awards in three major categories. In addition, alumna Jessica Ruiz G’21 was a finalist for her photography for the “Deconstructing the Divide” story “Our Poisoned Kids.”

The EPPY Awards are given annually by Editor & Publisher.

Best college/university campus website:

NCC News
Judges’ comments: From video to audio to written stories and photographs, a very nice website.

Best college/university produced community or niche website

Deconstructing the Divide Staff, “Deconstructing the Divide”
Judges’ comments: Excellent idea and strong execution. A variety of topics and I’m happy to see some uplifting stories, not just stories pointing out problems. Easy to navigate and great mix of stories and visuals.

Best news story on a college/university website

The Deconstructing the Divide Staff, “Deconstructing the Divide”
Judges’ comments: Excellent in depth, team coverage of the issue of inequality. Beautiful design work and cross platform storytelling.

Best photojournalism on a college/university website

Finalist, Jessica Ruiz, “Our Poisoned Kids”