The Society for Features Journalism announced their 2020 Division I Excellence in Features award winners, in which college journalists compete in the same categories with professional journalists, and four Newhouse alumni won or placed in the competition for work completed as students at the Newhouse School. Congratulations, winners!
1st place:
Madeline Powell G’20, Goldring arts journalism and communcations
The Fall Workshop 2019 | Syracuse University, “Beyond My Reflection”
2nd place:
Micah Castelo G’19, magazine, news and online journalism (MNO)
Rooted, “An Inside Look at Home Canners Who Preserve by their Own Rules”
3rd place:
Rooted Staff (Michaela Greer G’19, MNO; Sara Lafkir G’19, MNO), “This Instagrammer is Turning Road Kill into Leather Goods”