My LA experience!

Tessa Meehan

Hello, my name is Tessa Meehan, and I am currently a rising junior studying public relations at the Newhouse School! This semester I have been granted the opportunity to not only take classes geared more toward the arts and entertainment industry and its functions, but also to work hands-on in the industry with an internship experience. With that said, my semester this summer has been hectic, but nothing less than exciting. While taking courses and completing an internship simultaneously may seem like a lot to handle, I have definitely found more than enough time to explore the city! Getting out there and exploring new parts of the world is one of the biggest advantages of studying abroad. From the events Newhouse has provided for us including screenings, dinners, shows, guest speakers, etc.; to the multitude of excursions I’ve gone on with my peers, the Newhouse LA semester truly has an exciting surprise around each corner for everyone!

Tessa Meehan is a junior public relations major at the Newhouse School.