Message from Dean Mark Lodato

Dear Newhouse Community:

While I know many of you aren’t on campus since it’s still fall break, I wanted to reach out to let you know that I’m sensitive to the fact that the last few days have been extremely distressing for so many people in our Newhouse community.

The news out of the Middle East is frightening and heartbreaking. I abhor the devastating acts of terrorism against Israel and the violence that has erupted in Israel and Gaza. The situation can be especially upsetting for students, faculty or staff with family, friends or other connections to the Middle East.

There are resources available to any member of our community in need of support. 

As the conflict escalates, most of us will be consumed with the upsetting reports that will emerge in the days and weeks ahead. I would like to reiterate the message that Chancellor Syverud conveyed Monday: What we can control is how we treat and engage one another. 

If a fellow student or colleague is upset or grieving, extend compassion and treat them with respect. Acts of kindness, however small, can hold deep significance every day, especially for those in need of support. 

Please know that my door is always open as I welcome every opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations.

Dean Lodato