Media Hits: May 2021

Every month, media outlets around the world consult with the experts at the Newhouse School for context on what’s happening in communications and why. Here are some of this month’s stories:

Jennifer Grygiel

Assistant Professor

USA TODAY: “‘The bar is low for the social media industry’: Top platforms are unsafe for LGBTQ community, new report says

COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW: “Philip DeFranco and the power of news-influencers

THE NEW YORK TIMES: “British Political Veteran Steers Facebook’s Trump Decision

1A: “Trump’s Bid To Rejoin Facebook Is Vetoed

THE WASHINGTON POST: “Five things to know about Trump’s Facebook ban

COLUMBIA JOURNALISM REVIEW: “Off-Label: How tech platforms decide what counts as journalism

“The whole thing is like a giant charade, a game. If anything this board is drawing away attention from the real issue of the risks of government use of social media.”

Jennifer Grygiel
THE WASHINGTON POST: “Five things to know about Trump’s Facebook ban

Jim Olson

Research Associate Professor

PR WEEK: “Inside the launch of Avelo, America’s newest airline

“A new airline comes along once every 15 to 20 years, so helping to launch a new airline is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

PR WEEK: “Inside the launch of Avelo, America’s newest airline