Hi! I’m Peipei Liu, a TRF senior. From the moment I stepped foot in LA for my SULA summer semester, I knew I was in for an unforgettable experience, which has captured my eyes to the wonders of the entertainment industry. By taking the course The Art of Producing, I gained a deeper understanding of the role and responsibilities of a producer. Through engaging discussions, hands-on projects and guest speaker interviews, I expanded my knowledge of producing and honed my skills in creative aspects of producing across pre-production, production and post, which laid the foundation for my future career development. I highly recommend taking this class! While interning at Partizan Entertainment as a production intern, I witnessed the creative process firsthand when assisting industry professionals. Currently, my fellow interns and I are working on our final project, coming up with a commercial pitch. LA is an interesting place to explore, from museums and beaches to a wide variety of cuisines. The diverse and vibrant cultures contribute to the entertainment industry, which has become my inspiration for growth and creativity. I will miss life here!
Peipei Liu is a senior in the television, radio and film program at the Newhouse School.