Dominiqué Patrick G’18

Emmy Award-winning alumna Dominiqué Patrick graduated from the Newhouse School with a master’s degree in broadcast and digital journalism with a sports emphasis. The lessons she learned at Newhouse—mental toughness, communication, balancing multiple tasks—come in handy every day in her role as a segment producer at MLB Network and a freelance color commentator for college basketball.

What is your current position title and how did you obtain it?

I’m a segment producer at MLB Network and a freelance color commentator for college basketball. I became a segment producer after working at MLBN for four years. MLBN traveled to Newhouse for a recruiting trip, and I was able to interview and get offered a job as a broadcast associate before graduation. In those four years at the company, I’ve been promoted three times (broadcast associate, associate producer, segment producer).

Whats an average day like for you on the job?

At MLB Network, my daily duties can change from day to day. As a segment producer, I can do anything from supervising our daily shows such as “MLB Tonight,” “High Heat” and “MLB Central,” to helping supervise a team of broadcast associates, making sure social media requests are handle for all 30 MLB clubs and our NHL and MLBN social team. I also have had the opportunity to create a countdown show from start to finish. I was in charge of writing scripts for talent and using a team of associate producers to help put together an hour-long show. This season, I am supervising social media distribution and editing “Snapchat Discover —Must See Moments of the Week.”

During basketball season, I’m a color commentator. I’m usually at the arena two hours before game time so I can set up my area. I review with my partner, and we go over what the storylines are for the night. After calling the game we usually have a post-game interview or attend the post-game conference.

How do you feel Newhouse prepared you for your current position?

Newhouse just down right taught me how to be mentally tough. How to balance multiple things at once and how to make deadlines. The program made me realize that this industry is what you make it. It forced me out of my comfort zone and to not be shy when it comes to interviewing others or pitching my ideas for the broadcast. I got really good at communicating with my producer and talent during my time at Syracuse and it is definitely helpful now. Script writing has come in handy as well. I have to write scripts and shot sheets for talent, and it helps me when I need them for myself as well.

An underrated skill I also learned during my time at Newhouse was voice inflection. I think my voice carries well, but I had to learn to be “loud” without screaming and change the tone of my voice throughout the broadcast. That helped me sound better on air.

Did Newhouse open your eyes to new professions or aspects of your field you may have not considered when applying?

Absolutely. Before attending Newhouse, I thought being on-air was the only path I could take. I took a few production classes and realized that I loved working behind the scenes as well. I was able to produce a live volleyball game at Syracuse and get experience creating commercials and editing long-form features for class. I fell in love with it and was set on taking an opportunity where I could be both a producer and on-air. It kept me from limiting myself, and being able to do both makes me versatile in this field.

What moments in your career have been most exciting or defining thus far?

My most exciting moment in my career was winning an Emmy. I won it as an associate producer on MLB Tonight for Outstanding Studio Show.

What advice do you have for current or incoming students?

  1. As cliché as it sounds, “be yourself.” Being uniquely you makes you stand out in this field. People love the genuine feeling of working with someone who is confident in being yourself.
  2. Don’t limit yourself!! I always said in undergrad and at Newhouse that I wanted to learn everything so I would always have a job. Knowing how to do multiple things will always get you far and make you stand out.
  3. WHO you know will get you in rooms, WHAT you know will make you stand out! Knowing multiple people who can get you in rooms and open up doors for you are great. It is necessary. But preparedness and knowledge of the field you are trying to work in just makes you stand out more. It makes people remember you. I have done my fair share of recruiting with MLBN and it is a very rewarding experience. I’ve learned a lot in my five years of being in this field. I’ve learned that being in rooms and not knowing how to network wastes your time. You want to make those people remember you and think about you when opportunities arise. Make sure you hone in on networking skills. I personally think it’s a lost art, and those who do it well, I remember forever.