The Newhouse School is now accepting nominations for the 16th annual Mirror Awards competition honoring excellence in media industry reporting. Deadline is Feb. 15. Anyone may nominate, and there is no fee to enter.
Entries may be submitted in the following categories:
SPECIAL TOPIC CATEGORY FOR 2022: Best Story on Media Coverage of the Insurrection and the ‘Stop the Steal’ Movement ($1,000 prize): A carefully researched print, digital or broadcast piece or series of up to three pieces specifically addressing media coverage of the Jan. 6 insurrection and the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement.
SPECIAL TOPIC CATEGORY FOR 2022: Best Story on Media Coverage of Disinformation/Misinformation Regarding Vaccine and Mask Mandates ($1,000 prize): A carefully researched print, digital or broadcast piece or series of up to three pieces specifically addressing media coverage of disinformation/misinformation regarding vaccine and mask mandates.
Best Single Article/Story ($1,000 prize): A single carefully researched print, digital or broadcast piece of any length focused on the media industry. May include photos, videos, sidebars, audio and/or interactive elements in addition to the written piece. One article/story may be submitted per entry.
Best Profile ($1,000 prize): A single carefully researched and sourced print, broadcast or digital piece covering a person or organization noteworthy in the media industry. One profile may be submitted per entry.
Best Commentary ($1,000 prize): A print, broadcast or digital piece or series of up to three pieces of commentary on the media industry demonstrating the writer’s overall knowledge of the issues, analytic skills and unique voice.
John M. Higgins Award for Best In-Depth/Enterprise Reporting ($5,000 prize): A single, in-depth investigative piece or a series of up to three pieces focused on the media industry. Print, broadcast or digital pieces may be entered, and entries may cross platforms (though not required). Entries will be judged on the quality of the reporting and the importance of the story covered.
About the Mirror Awards
Established by the Newhouse School in 2006, the Mirror Awards are the most important awards for recognizing excellence in media industry reporting. They honor the reporters, editors and teams of writers who hold a mirror to their own industry for the public’s benefit.
The competition is open to anyone who conducts reporting, commentary or criticism of the media industries in a format intended for a mass audience. Eligible work includes print, broadcast and online editorial content focusing on the development or distribution of news and entertainment. All entries must have been published or broadcast between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021.
Entries are evaluated based on three criteria: Excellence of craft; framing of the issue; and appropriateness for the intended audience. Winners are chosen by a group of journalists and journalism educators.
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