2021 Convocation and Commencement: Frequently Asked Questions

This month’s Convocation and Commencement ceremonies celebrate December 2020May 2021 and August 2021 graduating students. 

The complicated and unprecedented task of planning these events during a pandemic has necessitated a large volume of communication, which may be hard to track. Here, we address the main questions we are hearing from Newhouse graduating students.  

Frequently Asked Questions: 

How can I view the Newhouse Convocation Ceremony? 

The prerecorded ceremony will be available to view beginning Saturday, May 22, at 11 a.m. ET, online at commencement.syr.edu. If you are unable to tune in at that time, don’t worry—the recording will still be posted and available for viewing any time you wish. 

I had my photo taken as part of the Newhouse “Graduation Experience” at the Stadium. How do I access the photos?

Photos are now available online for download. You must create an account before downloading (see instructions). 

I missed the Newhouse “Graduation Experience” and would like to submit my photo for inclusion in the Newhouse Convocation video. Can I still do that? 

Yes, but hurry—the submission deadline is Wednesday, May 12, at 11:59 a.m. ET! Even if you attended Open Session, you should still submit a photo if you’d like to be included.  

Where and when can I pick up my Newhouse padfolio, my graduation gift from the school? 

All graduating students can stop by the desk outside room 318 Newhouse 3 (the Department Chair Suite) to pick up a Newhouse padfolio if they did not get one at the “Graduation Experience” at the Stadium.  

Distribution will be from from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning next Monday, May 10, and running through Friday, May 21.  

Graduating students in the online master’s degree program who attend Commencement will receive padfolios on Sunday, May 23.   

I am a dual major and would like to attend the Newhouse Commencement ceremony but have been assigned to the ceremony for my home school/college. Can I change that? 

Possibly. Beginning Monday, May 17, beginning at 9 a.m. ET, you may call the Dome Box office (888-DOMETIX) and if capacity for the Newhouse ceremony has not been reached, you may relinquish your seats for your assigned ceremony and secure tickets for the Newhouse ceremony. Requests will be granted on a space-available basis and are not guaranteed.  

Can I get a photo taken in my cap and gown during Commencement Weekend? 

Yes. A photographer will be available to take Commencement portraits at Schine Student Center: 

Friday, May 21 – Sunday, May 23 
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.  
1 p.m. – 6 p.m.  
No appointment required 

You may have additional questions about topics not covered here. Complete, detailed information about Convocation and Commencement is available at commencement.syr.edu.