Last month, six students from the Newhouse School’s advanced media management (AMM) program traveled to Las Vegas to attend CES, the largest tech and media trade show in the world. As fellows for AMM, the students worked with Advanced Media Professor in Residence Shelly Palmer, a leading voice in the tech industry, to research exhibitors throughout the fall semester.
At the show, they assisted Palmer during his industry client tours and gained valuable insight from his interviews with X CEO Linda Yaccarino, Mark Cuban and other influential media executives. The fellows — Grace DeBoer, Sydney Hvizdvzak, Laura Knaflewski, Aiden Kwen, Niara McIntyre and J.K. Rees — were led by program director Adam Peruta. During their time in Vegas, the students also connected with Newhouse and Syracuse University alumni and other industry professionals at networking events.
Eight Newhouse School students have been honored in the annual Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) Design Annual Showcase, winning awards for projects that reflect graphic design’s influence in shaping and serving commerce and culture. The projects were completed in a final capstone course during the students’ senior year.
The team of designers who participated in the 2024 Pixels & Print project at the Newhouse School was also recognized in the professional category of Designing for Good. Pixels & Print is an intensive, 48-hour workshop in which students, faculty and staff collaborate with professionals in the industry on a design makeover for a deserving organization. Last year’s client was The Baldwin Fund, which took on a $50 million campaign initiative to raise money for cancer research and establish a National Cancer Institute in Syracuse.
The winning entry included a new logo for The Baldwin Fund, motion graphics, banners, branded items such as T shirts and tote bags, and a refreshed website.
The following projects created by Newhouse students also won awards, which were announced in January. The competition included more than 8,000 submissions; only the top 10% of entries are selected as winners.
“This is graphic design harnessed to effectively crystallize and express the essence of organizations, companies, brands, products, services, cultures [and] causes,” GDUSA said in its awards announcement.
The 40th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Planning Committee is proud to announce the 2025 Unsung Hero Award winners: Andrea-Rose Oates ’26, James K. Duah-Agyeman G’99, Student Coalition on Race and Equity (SCORE), Laurence Segal and Jamie Jackson (posthumously).
The Unsung Hero Award is given to community members, students, faculty and staff who have made a positive impact on the lives of others but are not widely recognized for their contributions. The awards were created to honor Dr. King’s vision of creating positive change in a troubled world.
The award winners will be recognized at the 40th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration on Sunday, Jan. 26, featuring keynote speaker Sarah Willie-LeBreton, president of Smith College. Tickets for the celebration are available on the MLK Celebration website.
The Unsung Heroes are:
Oates, a public relations major in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and policy studies major in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and College of Arts and Sciences, has dedicated her life to community service, leadership and social justice. She is the president and founder of “Girlz Rize,” a nonprofit initiative focused on fighting for girls’ education opportunities.
Through her work last summer with NBCUniversal, Oates amplified underrepresented voices by highlighting community challenges and successes. Her summer internships with Comcast and Hilco Redevelopment Partners demonstrated her ability to translate corporate resources into meaningful community outreach.
Oates’ leadership roles at Syracuse have included serving as president of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s Iota Upsilon chapter; co-secretary for the Black Student Union; events chair for the Women in Communications Club; a member of the Newhouse Student Representative Committee and an account associate for Hill Communications. She is dedicated to fostering inclusive, collaborative spaces that inspire academic and social growth and sustainable, generational change.
“Andrea-Rose doesn’t merely identify problems; she acts, empowering others to take part in solutions,” says nominator Diya Gupta. “Her actions reflect Dr. King’s enduring call to serve others and create a world where equity and justice prevail.”
The following undergraduate students enrolled in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications were among those named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2024 semester. To qualify, students completed a minimum of 12 graded credit hours and earned at least a 3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) during the semester.
Students: Please contact Undergraduate Advising at with questions about your current Dean’s List status.
Emily Victoria Aarts
Zain Victoria Abdelwahed
Sofia Abdullina
Rhianna Rose Abeel
Lucia Sabine Abela
Tate Abrahamson
Theo Baker Ackermann
Annabel Vincenza Adams
Bridget Evangeline Adams
Delaney Adams
Kylie Abisola Adedeji
Abigail J Aggarwala
Tariq Ali
Avery Jeanne Allen
Dominick L Allen
Isabella Juliana Allon
Filipa Alloul
Maya G Altimany
Anna Isabella Altman
Nicholas Joshi Alumkal
Melina Raquel Alvarado
Albert Alvarado Amparo
Naiya Jane Amin
Daniel Davidson Amron
Dominick James Anderson
Mara Cherilyn Anderson
Margaret Ann Anderson
Nickaylia Annabelle Anderson
Valentina Andrada
Brennan Richard Andrews
Devin J Andrews
Siya Angras
Grace A Anthony
Gino Francis Antimarino
Iris Mei Araki
Jacqueline Sydney Arbogast
Surina M Archey
Macey Annabel Arden
Ella Renee Armbruster
Gia Ann Armenia
Katherine Elizabeth Armlin
Mackenzie Armstrong
Alison Olivia Arnold
Lindsay Kate Arons
Daniel Sella Arougheti
Callia Rayelle Arum
Kaitlyn Liduvina Arzu
Ava Elizabeth Ascenzo
Chelsie Olguine Auguste
Dylan Ketch Augustine
Jade Aulestia
Eva Isabelle Aurnhammer
Isabella Kazuko Austin
Karina Rose Babcock
Sophia Nicole Babcock
Luke Carter Backman
Julian M Bae
Minjoo Bae
Darius Alexander Baharlo
Remy Francis Bailard
Sumner Murphy Baines
Emily Karina Bakalos
Stella Balaskas
Connor William Bankoff
Ishika Goel Bansal
John N Barber
Sophia Marie Barker
Alexandra Hope Barnard
Gabrielle Nia Barnett
Emily Ann Barnum
Kathleen Mary Barrett
Grace Ann Bartels
Ava Rose Bartholomew
Elaina Lynn Bartone
Gianna Helen Bartone
Benjamin Joseph Bascuk
Eliza D Bastis
Michaela Wechter Baxter
Jude Garrett Bazerman
Hannah Kate Beam
Alexandre Laurence Beaubien
Rebecca Sarah Beckas
Audrey Bond Becker
Renee Elizabeth Begley
Caitlyn Marie Begosa
Sigourney Bell
Eric David Bellingham
Marguerite Tess Bellotti
Katherine Patricia Beltrami
Riley Jane Benedik
Nicholas Stephen Benjamin
Taylor Parris Benjamin
Jesse Nathaniel Ben-Meir
Janae Yemaya Bennett
London Alina Bennett
Hannah Rachel Ben-Shmuel
Boaz BenYehuda
Isabelle Haley Beranbaum
Javier Jorge Berczely Marzo
Martin Beredo
Asher Noah Berenblat
Adrian Kolb Hegedorn Berger
Jackson Banks Berger
Jacob D. Bergh
Alix Sydney Berman
Isabella Sophia Bernstein
Jack Isaac Bernstein
Janai Berrocal
Christine Marie Berros
Dylan Lillian Beyer
He Bian
Audrey Bichoupan
Katherine Anne Binkowski
Tara Amelia Binte Sharil
Lindsay Helen Bisk
Samantha Black
Catherine Jane Blackman
Josephine Therese Blain
Alexis Kaitlyn Blank
Evan Andrew Blenko
Juliana Bella Mia Blobe
Griffin Newman Bloomstein
Danielle Mary Blyn
Myra Estelle Bocage
Rosina Louise Boehm
Faith Lauren Bolduc
Anna Remle Boling
Willa Wright Bonnette
Maria J Boone
Catherine Ockuly Davenport Booth
Aviva Lilly Bornstein
Julia Borodkin
Brooke Katherine Borzymowski
Emily M Bosco
Julia Marika Bossis
Kelsey Denton Boswell
Jake S Bowen
Roxanne Marie Boychuk
Olivia Grace Boyer
Willa Ross Bradshaw
Arbeas Luar Braha
Ella Samson Brann
Waverly Shane Brannigan
John Richard Bransfield IV
Sophia Lauren Braun
Chloe Kathleen Breeze
Dillon Ephraim Brendle
Jackson Breslin
Sydney Leigh Amora Brockington
Spencer Alex Brod
Morgan Taylor Bromley
Lillian Valentine Brooks
Teaghan Mae Brostrom
Madeleine Jane Brousseau
Frances S Brown
Griffin Nicholas Brown
Kelly Nicola Brown
Margaret Anne Brown
Owen Daniel Brown
Sloane Lauren Brown
Thomas Anthony Brown
Sophia Grace Brownsword
Emily Jordan Bruck
Michael Henry Bryan
Dillon L Buck
Calista Anne Buckley
Jordan Skye Burda
Emma Nicola Burke
Mackenzie Eden Burnett
Alex Simpson Pfeifer Burstein
Jacqueline Sophia Burton
Olivia Jane Burton
Ike Daniel Busch
Benjamin Noah Butler
Sebastian Conner Byrne
Taylor Lynn Byrne
Sean Addison Cregan Caddo
Julia Mahan Cahill
Rusong Cai
Yiming Cai
Eileen Caivinagua
Alexander Mario Calabrese
Morgan Blair Calzini
Sophia Angelina Campagiorni
Ella Jane Campbell
Hope Marie Campbell
Kaitlin Adelaide Campbell
Elizabeth Campos-Fuentes
Anabelle Maria Canals Olivencia
Kate Cantillon
Daniel Joseph Cantwell
Alexa P Caplan
Thomas Vincent Caputo
Eliza Lewis Cardillo
Quinn Cerulean Carletta
Isabella Agnese Carlino
Gregory Raymond Carlton
Amelia Jean Carr
Megan Victoria Carr
Isabella Ashley Carter
Maighdlin Fallon Carty
Alexandra Marie Cassella
Ella Reese Castrillon
Cecilia G Catalini
Kyra Leigh Catt
Riley Elizabeth Cavanaugh
Claire Lillian Ceccoli
Emma Elizabeth Celenza
Andre Raphael Ceppi
Jason Fernando Cespedes
Eve Julia Chace
Bella Sophia Hannah Chaitovitz
Lilah-Jane Fontana Challe
Cheuk Tung Alvin Chan
Fei Y Chan
Pin-Jen Chan
Sydney Orion Chan
Che Ying Chang
Bailey Cuddy Chapin
Samuel Chapnick
Jacob Garrett Charnow
Diya Kaur Chaudhary
Nicole Ke Xian Cheah
Sophia Chen
Victoria Yuwen Chen
David Li Cheng
Emily Brooke Chernett
Helena Marie Chernosky
Jamie Danielle Christensen
Madison Riley Christiansen
Joshua W Chun
Meena Cho Chung
Sofia Elizabeth Schumo Chwe
Sailor Verdes Ciluzzi
Armani Camille Coffee
Marissa Laurel Cogan
Jack Cohen
Alicia Irena Coleman
Vivian Paige Collins
Julia Condro
Spencer James Congel
Troy A Conner
Acacia Ann Connor
Chloe Grace Connors
Kristen Nicole Conrad
Margaret Grace Constantine
Caroline Lindsay Cooney
Samuel Cleveland Corcoran
Carly Anne Coronato
Isabella Corral
Ryland Thomas Correia
Kiran Kennedy Costa
Caitlyn Elizabeth Costello
Mary Kathleen Coughlin
Louisa Jacqueline Prentiss Coulman
Nathan Daniel Cournoyer
Alexia Maria Cousoulas
Helenna Couto Arruda Marques Almeida
William Henry Cracknell
Elizabeth Ann Crandall
Ruth Ann Crawford
Diana Janice Creaser
Taylor Scout Creel
Evan Louis Crescenzo
Margaret Mary Crisafulli
Michael David Crisci Jr
Leila Sage Crist
Ava Kimberly Critchell
Ryan Samuel Croke
Cameron Carter Crook
Catherine Alison Magsino Cruz
Alexandria Leigh Culver
Alexandra Michelle Cuoco
Julia Kristie Cuomo
Katherine Lee Curran
Camden Richard Cyr
Aarav Kumar Dadlani
Jordan Rose Daglio
Christian William Dahms
Doris Dai
Grace Cameron Daly
Victoria Grace Daly
Rylee Elizabeth Dang
Tara Wathany Dao
Myia C Dargan
Devin Jane Darmody
Anjana Dasam
Cassandra Marion Brid Dasco
Caroline Mary Daugherity
Nina Dave
Zoe Anna Davenport
Natalia Davidson
Maila Bless Davis
Sophie Jane Davis
Madison Nicole De Vera
Katelyn Rose Decker
Matthew James Deckers
Asa Michael Deggeller
Brooke Addison Dehn
Dalton Matthew Deitz
Nicholas M Dekaney
Isabella Marie Del Rey
Eve Jacqueline Delaney
Jacob Bern Delforte
William Delgado
Andrew Eric Della Piana
Carley Brooke Dellaratta
Sean Patrick Dempsey
Marina Rose Depalo
Sydney Anne Depietto
Alissa Kalie Derboben
Ryan Michael DeSalvo
Nikolas Augustus Desisti
Brenna Quinn Desmond
Sofia Rose Destaso
Lucas Yague Dewitt
Madyson Soleil Diaz
Patricia Diaz Escobar
Emily Benson Dick
Max Aaron Dickman
Daniel Alexander Diez
Gabriel Rocco DiFilippo
Adriana Grace DiFlorio
Jessica Nicole Dimatteo
John Anthony Dinapoli
Nicolette Martine Doherty
Brianna Dollar
Sophia Paloma Dominicis
Paloma Raquel Donado
Kira Paige Donegan
Connor Gerard Donovan
Sarah Dorval
Sophia Isabelle Doshi
Gemma Ann Downey
Caitlin Shea Driscoll
Madelyn Grace Drykerman
Elaina Dub
Olivia Dublin
Samuel Dultsin
Jade Alliyah Dunn
Ana Sofia Duss
Charlotte Anais Ebel
Lior Edrich
Niah Kahrin Edwards
Molly Elizabeth Egan
Maggie Alice Eidt
Grace Eileen Elford
Amanda Frances Elgarresta
Anya Clare Elias
Jack David Elliott
Luke Patrick Elliott
Peter Arthur Elliott
James Henry Ellis
Gabriel Jonah Elzein
Anjali J Engstrom
Gabriella Reese Enriquez
Ilana Eden Epstein
Destiny America Erazo
Jacob Erlbaum
Christopher David Ern
Caroline Bailey Erskine
Vivian Esther Esfhani
Maya Lidia Espinel
Caitlin Kennedy Espiritu
Samantha Lynne Espiritu
Lucas Crespin Esquivel
Mario Renato Esteb
Rachel Dora Fain
Alex G Fairchild
Teagan Lindsay Farrow
Talia Rose Fastow
Chloe Margaret-Jane Fatuova
Evan Charles Fay
Nora Elizabeth Fay
Samuel Federman
Ari Lucas Feinstein
Grace Lexie Feldman
Sylvie Beth Feldman
Erin Eileen Fell
Charles Norman Fellows
Griffin Walls Fellows
Chenyi Feng
Daniel G Fenzl
Anna Fern
Benjamin Michael Ferrara
Elena Victoria Figueroa
Brennan Matthew Finder
Emmerson Kaylie Finder
Alexander Reid Fine
Eric Finley
John William Fiore
Nicholas Dylan Fiore
Patrick James Rogerson Firrell
John Ashton Fitzhenry
Maeve Bridget Fitzpatrick
Erin Ruth Flack
Amalie Flam
McKenna Elizabeth Flannagan
Sophia Wetherby Fleischer
Ahna Renee Fleming
Emma Ann Fleming
Amelia Flinchbaugh
Gabriella Michelle Fling
Isabella Marie Flores
Sofia Leeanne Floresca
Elisabeth Barbara Flynn
Fiona Mae Flynn
Tamzin J Folz
Katherine Martha Ford
Ryan Frasier Forman
Elizabeth Bernadina Forsatz
Andrew Thomas Forster
Amelia Bruce Fortsch
Kiran David Foster
Haley E Fourmet Gustavsen
Carson Teaque Fowler
Carly Michelle Fox
Alexander Jack Frame
Sydney Jasmine Francis
Brenna Judith Francisco
Leila Isabella Frankina
Evan Willow Fratantuno
Trevor Fiorello Fraticelli
Meagan Eva Frechette
Greta Kathryn Freed
Benjamin Freedman
Isabel Sakura Freeland
Laingley Elizabeth Freemyer
Elenore Agnes Fresnel
Olivia Eden Fried
Emily W Friedman
Lillian Friedman
Sarah Beth Friedman
Ryan Hayley Frieman
Genevieve Pierson Friend
Lucia Rose Fries
Olivia Grace Friess
Ella Grace Fritzinger
Sydney Hannah Froelich
Julian Emmanuel Frucht
Michaela Anne Fry
Hannah Blake Frydman
Darryn Elise Fulcher
Robert A Gabrik
Daniel Gaither
Isabella Marie Galan
Cate S Galante
Dyana Simone Gales
Yasmina Zahra Mariah Gall
Benjamin Mark Galvanoni
Elizabeth Anne Gans
Fanqi Gao
Ge Gao
Nicholas Maximilian Garcia
Terina Kawaileleanuhea Garcia
Alan Antonio Gardner
Aviya Garg
Ryan Christopher Garipoli
Evan Chisholm Garvey
Reese Nicole Gaudelli
Samantha Alyssa Gavi
Lily Elizabeth Gavin
Penelope Eve Geannopulos
Elizabeth Ann Gelber
Elie Israel Gelman
Tyler Xavier Gentry
Irene Ghosh
Isabella Rose Giacoppo
Diamonte Dimazzio Giacovelli
Ryan Dominic Giancola
Ashley Marie Gibbs
Mary Virginia Gibson
Maxwell David Gifford
Adam Maxwell Giglietti
Jason Konrad Gillan
Anna Grace Ginelli
Ethan Kohl Girtz
Andrew John Gitto
Nickolas Anthony Bettano Glassman
Brian Edmund Glennon
Jason Andrew Glick
Samantha Joely Glickson
Lucie Emma Glover
Elizabeth Lauren Glowacki
Audrey Marie Glynn
Mariana Godinez-Andraca
Allison Kathleen Goelz
Valerie Rachel Goetter
Hannah Mary Goetz
Charles Goldberg
Jake Zachary Goldberg
Sydney Rita Goldberger
Benjamin Graham Goldfield
Amanda Sophia Goldstein
Sophie I Goldstein
Spencer Ian Goldstein
Raymond Joseph Gomez
Alexandra Sofia Ryberg Gonzalez
Asher Gonzalez
Dean Louis Goodchild
Caroline Rose Goodhart
Elizabeth Rose Goodman
Jack Isaac Goodman
Matthew Samuel Goodman
Sarah Rachel Gorenstein
Kylie Hope Gorsky
Elizabeth Rose Gottlieb
Lianna Christine Gourmos
Gabrielle Rose Grabush
Olivia Davis Graham
Caroline Catherine Grande
Nehilah Grand-Pierre
Natalie Maria Granja
Mario Graves Dominguez
Matthew Logan Gray
Chelsea Paige Greca
Caden Michael Raymond Greco
Lily Eliza Greco
Duncan Ira Green
Micah Aaron Greenberg
Haley Rose Greene
Lauren Rose Greenwood
Alyssa Marie Gregg
Michael Cameron Greifenstein
Angelina Marisol Josephina Grevi
Anne Nolan Griffin
Shea Alyson Griffith
Sarah Grace Griffiths
Caileigh Maira Grimes
Jacob Grindstaff
Alexander Daniel Grondin
Samantha Paige Grossberg
Tate Gibney Grossberg
Toby Kate Grossberg
Nicholas Joseph Guagliano
Yue Guan
Nicholas Stephen Guinan
McKenzie Camille Gullage
Tessa Elizabeth Gullo
Phoebe Elena Gulsen
Weiziwu Guo
Samayee Gupte
Noah Adam Gutfleisch
Emily Alice Gutierrez
Sofia E Gutierrez
Janice Sunyoung Ha
Taylor Ann Haenn
Griffin Thomas Hall
Mason Reidy Hall
Arietta Hallock
Jessica Eve Hammersley
Liv Samantha Hanick
Tess Scout Hanley
Carter Alexander Hansen
Ava Anne Hanuscin
Emma Rose Harby
Troy Hardges
Andrew Colin Harkins
Madison Dale Harp
Rio Johnathan Harper
Nathaniel Lawrence Harrington
Elliot Foster Harris
Mack David Harris
Claire Elizabeth Harrison
Gabrielle Sue Harrison
Ava Margaret Hartman
Grace Marie Hayden
Hayley Jordyn Held
Josef Killian Hendershot
Kathryn Grace Hendry
Emmy K Henning
Liam Leslie Henriques
Jack Andrew Henry
Brooks Andrew Herb
Alexander Frederick Hernandez
Zari Nia Heron
Easton Emery Heroux
Ava Jean Herzner
Daniel Alexander Herzog
Jack Hunter Hicks
Luke Richard Hildebrand
Lindsey Grace Hillebrecht
Sidney Olivia Himel
Joseph Hinz
Adam Mitchell Hipsky
Rhys Judah Hire
Riley Elizabeth Hite
Megan Te-Hsin Ho
Hailey Li Hoang
Ian James Hoats
Genesis Edith Hodne
Polly Adams Hoffman
Shane Martin Holcombe
Lauren Marie Holdmeyer
Josephine Abu Hollander
Ilyssa Christine Hollenbeck
Bella Domenica Holleran
Annika Catharina Holmberg
Nicole Lynn Holmes
Thomas Connor Holovacs
Maurice Gibbons Holtzman
Madeleine Arce Hom
Ye Won Hong
Charlie London Honig
Alicia Rayne Hoppes
Jack Cornelius Horgan
Ava Marie Horigan
Nicolas Horning
Genae Genevieve Horst
Jacob Ebratt Hort
Spencer James Howard
Gabriel C Howe
Amya Angelina Howell
Zachary Michael Howell
Jiale Huang
Katie Emma Huang
Xinyi Huang
Kiran Elyse Hubbard
Annie Rhodes Huckabone
Cooper Thomas Hudson
Georgia Powell Hudson
Iona A Hudson
Colin Matthew Hulme
Hannah Elizabeth Humphrey
Ethan Everette Hutchins
Kendall Simone Hymes
Charles Francis Hynes
Henry Martin Ihle
Zachary Paul Infeld
Alicia S Ingabire
Erin Blackwell Irvin
Patrick Thomas Irwin
Jacob Seth Isler
Shayla Ismael
Cayla Jade Israel
Gabriella Sara Izversky
Anne Margaret Jablow
William Jack
Katherine Maria Jackson
Olivia Anna Jackson
Allison Joely Jacobs
David Joshua Jacobs
Levi Oliver Jacobs
Leon Chance Jacobson
Idan Bennett Jaffe
Mamuyovwi Ore-Oluwa Jagha
Dan Jaime
Rahill D Jaiswal
Lars Christian Jendruschewitz
Rowel Jimenez
Abigail Presley Johnson
Danielle Christine Johnson
Emma Diane Johnson
Kendall Zaida Johnson
Marissa Ann Johnson
Abigail Marie Jones
Kelsey Jo Ann Jones
Madalan Quinn Jones
Maria Elizabeth Jones
Payton Nicole Jones
Sadie Josephine Jones
Gabriel Bernard Josefson
Lauren Thi Juzang
Christina Noelle Kaden
Maria Kaffes
Hannah Morgan Kail
Alexandra Ruth Kaminsky
Jonah Asher Kaminsky
Harry Joseph Kane
Megan Erin Kane
Ellie Sarah Kaplan
Matthew Harris Kaplan
Nora Catherine Kapp
Hannah Emily Karlin
Lucy Jane Karp
Maxwell Aaron Katcher
Ross Andrew Katcher
Manas Kathir
Gianna Nicole Katsock
Samantha Reese Katz
Stephanie Jill Katz
Samantha Marley Katzen
Anant Kaul
Jacob Aaron Kaye
Sneha Kc
Katherine Rose Keane
Mykala Keckeisen
Maria Caroline Keenan
Patrick Michael Kehoe
Chloe Grace Keller
Evelyn Hayden Kelley
Kathryn Kelley
Henry Kelly
Isabelle Grace Mary Kelly
Rachel Shawn Kelly
Liam N Kennedy
Maeve Parks Kenny
Grace Lucia Kentrotas
Cole McNeil Keough
Rachel Emily Kern
Elijah James Kerness
Grace Haley Kerrigan
Rachel Faye Kessel
Logan Isabella Keyes
Maliha Hana Khan
Sadiya Fiona Kherani
Amy Elaine Kiernan
Kaydence Lilly Kilhof
Brooke Noelle Killgore
Grace Suehyun Kim
Hannah Jihae Kim
Hayden William Kim
Jessica Kim
Jordan Edward Kimball
Claire Coleman King
Jacqueline Mullinax King
Nicholas Emmett King
Chloe Anjolie Kiser
Jacob Alexander Klein
Jessica Cory Klein
Maya Yolan Kleinberg
Braden Aaron Kletz
Kennerly Labelle Klinger
Arabella Katherine Klonowski
Jada Marie Knight
Adam Pulliam Knode
Ingrid Victoria Knutson
Julie Alexa Kobak
Lillie Kochis
Brian Anthony Koefoot
Iris Clementine Koester
Elle Sienna Koff
Zoe Madison Kofsky
Samuel Ethan Kogan
Marcus Andrew Raymond Kohm
Carys Brynne Kolb
Jessie Mae Koozer
Ethan Matthew Kopelman
Lily Isabelle Koplan
Samuel Julian Kornreich
Alexa Marie Korrie
Anaka V Kotha
Alexander George Koutras
Anton Alan Kox
Daniel Todd Kramer
Dylan Reid Krane
Skylar Anne Kreske
Kelly Jeanne Kringen
Evan James Krukin
Dylan Ava Kujawski
Timothy Francis Kunken
Renee Giselle Kurie
Teresa Elizabeth Kurkjy
Samantha Morgan Kurland
Kaitlyn Marie Kushner
Julia Nicole Labbate
Hanna Grace LaBerge
Ava Josephine-Simone Laborde
Steven Reilly Labovitch
Kate Faith Ladenheim
Victoria Grace LaFarge
Katherine Ann Lafountain
John Robert Lakeman
Shayna Naomi Lakin
Alexa Marie Lamalfa
Austin Carter Lamb
Paul Angelo Lamonaca
Michael Luis Lamorte
Jacob Lancer
Gianna Sophia Lanfrank
Casey Rose Lange
Chloe Paige Langerman
Jeremy Michael Lanuti
Aaron Walker Larit
Matthew Paul Latvis
Joseph William Laudico
Kendyl Nicole Lauher
Andrew Brody Lavella
Nathan Robert Lechner
Calysta Jeanhee Lee
Kinsey Faith Lee
Marina Allison Lee
Margaret Elizabeth Lefebvre
Alexis Hannah Lefkowitz
Benjamin Ian Lefkowitz
Ilana Blake Lefkowitz
Sonya Naomi Lehat
Louis Miller Leibowitz
Laura Lemgruber
Sofia Alexandra Lentz
Jordan Matthew Leonard
Adriana Jo Leone
Sophia Elizabeth Leone
Jack Dubin Lesser
Aidan Erik Witting Levin
Jack August Levin
Elsa Ginger Levine
Samantha Rose Levine
Alexander Ethan Levy
Kate Elizabeth Levy
Jenna Nicole Lewis
Malia Williams Bush Lewis
Angela Li
Leyan Li
Vivian Yuwei Li
Xinyue Liao
Isabel Haley Liebowitz
Alyssa Angie Lin
Anny Lin
Charles Finney Lincoln
Max Thomas Lindenbaum
Molly Raegan Lindstrom
Dylan Michael Lipof
Oliver Mullins Lipsen
Rebecca Meredith Lipset
Jonah Lipson
Carver Francis Lis
Charlotte Elizabeth Little
Carolyn Judith Littrell
Aliana Michayla Lloyd
Julia Locatelli Brandao
Taylor Nicole Lokoff
Amanda Ruth Long
Anna Elizabeth Long
Violet Longbons
Katelyn Elizabeth Longo
Caroline Russell Look
Ciane Isabel Lopez
Mariano Lopez
Mateo Lopez-Castro
Dean Michael Lourenco
Noah John Love
Vivienne Jane Love
Matthew James Lowman
Michael T Loya
Jiahao Lu
Abigail Rae Luca
Riley Michelle Luchetta
Bella Elizabeth Lucina
Sophia Grace Lucina
Scarlett Claire Luden
Hannah Victoria Luib
Kendall Anne Luther
Lauren Richelle Luther
Jacob Matthew Lutsky
Ava Grace Lydotes
Ryan McCarron Lynn
Paige Olivia Lyons
Shiye Lyu
Sabrina Amaris Macarthur
Max Mackiernan
Faith Mackimm
Cameron Alexander Maclennan
Nehru Lucas Madan
Gustavo Adolfo Madero Carriles
Emma Christine Madigan
Olivia Marie Mafrige
Rachel Mafuru
Avery Adams Magee
Melissa Sydney Mager
Alexandra Rose Magram
Amaan Abbas Mahdi
Arthur Maiorella
Jesse Tyler Mair
Richard Akira Maj
Keren Miriam Makleff
Elizabeth Anna Malcolm
Sophia Isabel Maldonado
Tej Bergner Malhotra
Grace Joy Malone
Lucy Gwen Mandel
Owen Jackson Manganiello
Isabelle Mangrum
Ella Madeleine Maniloff
Andie Mannis
Joy Mao
Jared Henry Marcus
Jamie Heather Marderstein
Emma Catherine Marion
Perrin Lucille Delano Marion
Joshua Harris Markowitz
John Sidney Martel
Ben Scofield Martin
Claire Frances Martin
Julia Elizabeth Martin
Juliana Crowell Kellogg Martin
Chloe Veronica Martinez
Gissele Martinez Polanco
Katherine Lynn Marvel
Isabella Maria Marzan
Victor David Maslia
Alexander Shea Mass
Rowan Mastrangelo
Alexis Grace Mathai
Ella Katherine Mathas
Lorraine Annette Matheu
Isabel Ava Matthews
Margaret Christina Matthews
Andrew Nicholas Matyasik
Jordana Noelle Matza
Jack Henry May
Cora A Mayer-Costa
Jason Daniel Mazer
Allison Nicole McAteer
Claire McBride
Thandi Olivia McCain
Margaret Louise McCann
Jack Richard McCarty
Heather Grace McClure
Chandler Mya McCoy
Anna Elizabeth McCusker
Lily Elizabeth McDonald
Caitlin Arlene McDonough
Sawyer Quinn McFarland
Murphy Mcfarlane
Sheridan Makanialoha McGadden
Connor Michael McGahan
Connor James McGorty
Cameron Renshaw McGraw
Alexander Andre McGruder
Kathryn Geraldine McHugh
Conor Lawrence McKenna
Katherine Elizabeth McKenna
Dylan McKinley
Maisie Jane McLees
Kyle William McMahan
Elizabeth Alexandra McMahon
Michael Anthony McMahon
Kierra Veronica McNeill
Sophia Grace McVige
Heath Wood Megnin
Molly Anne Meisner
Angela Marie Meissner
Jocelyn Tatiana Mejia
Isabel Melendez
Mikayla Sybille Melo
Ruby Paige Mendelson
Cole Spencer Meredith
Matan Lev Mergi
Annabel Kate Metzger
Lucinda Marie Metzger
Kendall Meunier
Max Philip Meyer
Mollie Jordan Meyerowitz
Delaney Madelyn Meyers
Keyan Miao
Mallory Michaels
Louisa Jane Michelson
Emmett Nathaniel Milberg
Marina Antonia Milelli
Avery John Miller
Raina Miller
Sophie Jane Miller
Jacquelyn Paige Mirvis
Aaron Joshua Misthal
Gisele Semoy Mitchell
Julia Anne Mitchell
Carolyn Ruth Modin
Sloane Vera Modlinger
Benjamin James Moesch
William Thomas Moffitt
Laone Bohlale Molele
Gabriella Paulette Montilus
Sophia Nina Moore
Ashley Michelle Moran
Jacob Hogan Morel
Haley Joyce Moreland
Kacie Jaeger Morris
Nickolas William Moscatiello
Kathryn Christine Moschella
Joseph Richard Mueller
Mary Elizabeth Mueller
Azaria Sanaa-Catlett Muhammad
Harry Northcott Mullin
Robert Thomas Munch
Alison Michelle Murillo
Alexa Reese Murland
Terence Cullen Murphy
Gavin John Murray
Madison Simone Musilli
Abigail Sarah Musman
Rachel Madison Musman
Andrew John Myers
Brandon Vincent Myers
Ryan Ericson Myers
Callan Nathaniel Nagel-Dubin
Dominic Fiore Naggar
Dylan Nairin
Colleen Emily Nakhooda
Norah Marguerite Nappi
Juliette Claire Nasarenko
Chiara Lea Navazio
Rachel Sage Necheles
Kathleen Rose Nedder
David Negron
Hazel Bea Neham
Charles L Neidell
Janessa Elizabeth Nelson
Zachary Jonathan Nemirovsky
Jessica Riley Nester
Jack Ryan Nevins
Spencer Franklin Newirth
Emilie Rice Newman
William Theodore Newman
Reese Ann Niccolls
Suzette Honora Nicholson
Miguel Nieves
Alexandra Melina Nikou
Daisy Pilar Nolasco-Flores
Brianna Marie Noll
Charlene A Nomeny
Lillian Jeanette Northrup
Emily Grace Noyes
Noah James Nussbaum
Oona Bee Obaditch
Corinne Elizabeth O’Brien
Sophia Elizabeth O’Brien
Matthew Christopher O’Callaghan
James Thomas O’Connor
Paige Suzanne O’Connor
Isabelle Oddy
Maggie Ann Odonnell
Jaiden A Oglesby
Carli A O’Hara
Samantha Ann Olander
Tyler Jacob Oldano
Kelsey Reed O’Leary
Jackson Alexander Olenick
Madeleine Clare Oliveros
Donald Theodore Olsen
McKenzie Olsen
Clara Dorothy Gienapp Olson
Nathan Cole Olszewski
Fiona Marie O’Malley
Shannon O’Malley
Kyra E O’Neill
Chimdi Chinyere Simone Onyeama
Sara Rose Oppenheimer
Emme Jayne Ortiz
Madeline Joy Osborne
Caleigh Grace O’Toole
Gabrielle Ese Ovadje
Mia Katherine Overbye
Erin Rachel Pachapa
Bismarck Pacheco
Riley Morgan Padron
Rachel Grace Pahl
Kaitlyn Isabella Paige
Beckett Elias Painchaud
Kendall Palazzi
Mauricio Jose Palmar
Alysah K Pantorilla
Julia Michelle Paperny
Daniel Ethan Papillo
Clara Persephone Pappas
Lila Isabel Parkel
Anna Rebecca Parker
Arwen Lauren Parmelee
Ronald John Parrillo
Matthew Robert Parry
Emina Pasic
Matthew Aiello Pasquale
Jacob Franklin William Pasteur
Ian Joseph Patchett
Lila Gillian Paton
Grace Angela Pearce
Eloise Mai Pearsall
Skyler Kathleen Pearsall
Joel Dominic Pelachik
Phoenyx Malyqa Peltier
Harrison Yates Pemberton
Kailyn Peng
Alejandrina Perez
Karla Sofia Perez Davila
Xayvion Jalen Perkins
Ellyana Maria Perosi
Rena Sage Perry
Hannah Dong En Persick
Hannah Ruth Peters
Kailee Grace Peterson
David Emanuel Petre
Alexandra Rose Petro
Ella S Petrulla
Ava Joan Pettigrew
Olivia L Phipps
Grace Elizabeth Piatko
Jennifer Ann Pickett
Analise Isabelle Piemonte
Allison Jayne Pierro
Shota Whitman Pinkowski
Jayden Javier Pinto
Nora K Piotrowicz
Sebastian Blair Pishock
Camille Regina Pitaniello
Caleb Charles Plank
Lauren Nicole Plumb
Erin Briggs Podbelski
Ava Poeta
Arnav Dev Pokhrel
Layla Catherine Poli
Jordan Eddie Poliakoff
Aidan Gering Pollack
Daisy Karoline Polowetzky
Sasha Ponquinette
Emma Maureen Poper
Ava Portney
Hailee Faith Posnock
Peyton Avery Post
Quinn David Postman
Sean A Potter
Nahia Taylor Powell
Barbara Pozo
Riley Nicole Pratt
Charlotte Mae Price
Eden E Price
Griffin James Price
Alfonso Procaccino
Julia Nicole Provvisionato
Julia Elise Pryor
Camille James Psaltos
Marina Rose Psaros
Hannah Elizabeth Purvis
Sofia Saijo Pye
Pengyu Qiang
Maria Fernanda Quinones-Rios
Anayansi Irissa Quintero
Megan Genevieve Radakovich
Campbell Stowe Ragins
Austin Peter Raiche
Stella Jane Raichle
Srikar Saravan Rajendran
Juliana Rama
Genesis A Ramos
Georgia Elizabeth Randall
Lauryn Amirah Rashid
Cody William Rathgeber
Kelsey Resce Raymond
Giavanna Maria Rebstock
Kathryn Nicole Reddish
Odelette Oneng Redila
Grace Elizabeth Reed
Julia Michaela Reedy
Jonathan James Regini
Emmett Leo Reilley
Tessa Natalia Reiner
Jared Tyler Reinhard
Teigen Elmer Charles Reiter
Alexander Vincent Remoll
Michael Stephen Ricci
Raina Rose Rice
Andre T. Richard
Cooper S Richman
Kate Rose Richter
Olivia Cote Riddoch
Hudson Robert Ridley
Elizabeth Catherine Riehl
Ella Amelia Rifkin
Tristan Marie Riley
Stella Viola Terese Ringblom
Madlyn Jean Ritter
Maya Quynh Rizzo
Stephen Carlisi Roark
Ava Victoria Robbins
Nicholas Robert Robbins
William Conner Robertson
Delaney Robins
Ellie Rachel Rockoff
Samantha Lucy Rodino
Jonah A Rodman
Miguel Rodriguez
Olivia Rodriguez
Penelope Isabelle Rodriguez
Ana Sofia Sofia Rodriguez-Garza
Sophie Rebecca Rofe
Noah Rogoff
Aashmriti Roka
Nathan Joseph Romestan
Sara Jean Rooney
Levia Osinde Ropheka
Alejandro Rosales
Guadalupe Rosas
Annabelle McFarlan Rose
Brooke Ruth Rosen
Eliana Hannah Rosen
Olivia Mae Rosen
Alexandra Nicole Rosenberg
Chyler Gray Rosenberg
Cole Ross
Isabella Sarah Ross
Joshua Rothert
Teagan Isabella Marie Rowland
Hailey Karin Roy
David Joseph Rubin
Joshua Ethan Rubin
Norman Alexander Rubinson
Maria Fernanda Ruelas Arceo
Jason Tai Ruppert
Ava G Russell
Gabrielle Victoria Russo
Anthony Rybarczyk
Meital Carmella Saban
Emily April Sadowski
Karlie Dylan Saed
Yoav Safran
Shrishti Saha
Sheridan Linda Sainato
Jennifer Saint Hilaire Sosa
Matthew Paul Salerno Jr
Anna Alexandra Salewycz
Daniel Abram Saligman
Jazaleen Hallie Salinas
Sofia Devito Sampson
Chelsea Sanchez
Mara Viola Sandberg
Noah Sandler
Alexis Sanon
Roman Davide Santaniello
Madeline Faye Santoriello
Joshua E. Sapien
Lara Sare
Isabelle India Sareen
Darren Lachlan Ring Sartison
Sam Levi Saslow
Timothy John Sass Jr
Laura Sassi Verzegnassi
Shoshana Wachtendorf Satran
Vaasanthi Kotipalli Savaram
Arianna Nicole Savino
Marissa Lynn Savner
Caroline Ruth Schaefer
Leo Francis Schaffer
Vanessa Annette Schimony
Natalie Rose Schlesinger
Marie Helen Schrag
Noah Mateo Schuler
Emily Celia Schultz
Layla Roy Schuon
Max Orion Schutzer
Emma Schwarzwald
Catherine Audrey Scott
Charles Henry Scott
Katherine E Scott
Jana Lorraine Seal
Ryan Ben Seal
Emily Madeline Seanor
Gwyneth Coral Seelinger
Haley Jill Segal
Juliet Marjorie Seith
Andrew Morrissey Selover
Alexa Emily Selter
Abigail Julia Seltzer
Jenna M Sents
Taylor Frances Serrano
Ana Grabiela Serrano Alvarado
Valeria Serrano Collazo
Daniel Peter Shalam
Margaret Lin Sharp
Katelina Alexandra Shaw
Phoebe B Shay
Dana Claire Shearer
Anna Claire Sheehan
Brendan Sheehan
Maeve Aine Sheehan
Eliza Grace Shenk
Caitlin Moran Shepherd
Madison Liv Sherman
Samuel David Sherman
Ruby Oliver Shivers
Dylan Matthew Shobe
Allison Joan Shust
John Coyle Siciliano
Brooke Siegel
Emma Rose Siegel
Lily Isabelle Siegel
Sabrina Nicole Siegel
Benjamin Ross Siegelheim
Audrey Yannascoli Sigler
Lily Ana Silver
Heidi Simental
Emily Jane Simon
Ella Brooke Simons
Suryansh Singh
Philip Alexander Sipher
Paulina Lillian Sirtori
Daryn Melanie Sivin
Rebecca Shai Skier
Lucas S Skolnick
Tyler C. Slavicek
Christian Lorenz Slowinski
Chloe Ann Smarz
Josephine Catherine Smith
Kennedy Alexa Smith
Kent Joseph Smith
Lauren Taylor Smith
Skylar Anne Smith
Gabriel Cumby Smithdahl
Collin David Snyder
Yohanna Rivka Sochaczevski
Anna Danielle Soifer
Joshua Alden Sokolsky
Ella Madeline Somberg
Daniel Hampton Sommerfeld
Lita I Sone
Wenyu Song
Lorelai Mary Soper
Lauren Beatrice Sorabella
Jamie Nicole Soropoulos
Alana Paola Soto-Flecha
Daniella Soto-Teaff
Riley Beth Sottile
Allison Lee Soulier
Linette C Spaner
Christopher L Spano
Nicholas Graham Spencer
Madison Kate Spielberg
Jack Stanley Spies
John Picton Spina
Sophie Spinnell
Jackson Thomas Springmann
Jonah Srulevich
Lauren Angela Stagnitti
Edi Evangeline Standen
Jack Robert Stankey
Atleigh Jo Stanley
Ana Sophia Staszak
Grace Emma Stecher
Ryan Nathan Stecklow
Jack Aidan Steinberg
April Joy Stelle
Aiden Max Stepansky
Dillon Scott Stephens
Ryan Michael Stephens
James Alexander Stepovich
Sophia Charlotte Stern
Cara Grace Steves
Robert Lewis Stewart
Savannah Francies Stewart
Landon Matthew Stilz
Olivia Stockmeyer
Emerson Kaylee Stoller
Benjamin Scott Stone
Maya Jill Stone
Ryan Joseph Storie
Katelyn Amelia Storms
Marin Joy Stott
Helaina Grace Stovin
Aniya J Strong
Jera Marie Strony
Jarod R Struminger
Yiyi Su
Sunny Nicole Suaya
Michael Connor Sullivan
Harrison S Sutton
Zara Elyse Suvanto
Anastasia Svetlova
Olivia Swaab
Natalie Rose Symonowicz
Sophie Catherine Szydlik
Bella Anna Tabak
Gianna Rochelle Taft
Skylar Marsh Takac
Kate Cecilia Tannenbaum
Isabella Irene Tatone
Mya Paige Tauber
Emily Helena Tavares
Luena Tavares Leitao
Ashley Tavarez
Isaiah Taveras
Abigail Marie Taylor
Adeline Justice Taylor
Jack McHale Taylor
Meredith Anne Taylor
Nicholas Matthew Taylor
River Paul Taylor
Rachel Nicole Tescher
Sean Ryan Tessler
Ella Rose Thomas
Ridley Grace Thomas
Sarah Madeline Thompson
Grace Thomsen
Damon Joseph Thomson
Mia Sol Tiano
Owen Harper Tindall
Tyler Anthony Toledo
Randall Ryan Tom
Raymond C Tong
Sarah Elizabeth Torres
Daniela Sofia Touma Sanchez
Kiera Nicole Tracy
Liliana Charlotte Travis
Nicole Kioko Tredinnick
Grace Elizabeth Trelease
Piper Grace Tremblay
Oliver Love Tricarico
Sophia Rose Trinca
Jacquelyn Rose Trotman
Adyana Katrina Trudel
Aidan Ben Tseng
Kenneth Max Tucker
Sophia Alexandra Tulchinsky
Samuel Marcus Turin
Lily Vi Turndorf
Orezimena Nanyanzi Ubogu
Alyssa Anne Underwood
Riley Michael Underwood
Hannah G Urdanick
Brooke Theresa Vaccaro
Olivia Claire Valcourt
Diana Michelle Valdivia
Jared Valentin
Annabella Michaela Valentine
Sreynoch Van
Romy Van Almen
Jack Patrick Vanbeveren
Colette Helen Vandiver
Janna L Vanvranken
Siena Marie Varano
Moira Grace Vaughan
Mattea Kathleen Vecera
Emma Margaret Velardi
Carla Marina Velazquez
Daniella Mia Ventre
Mason Pasquale Verdicchio
Roman Benjamin Verna
Alexa Morgan Verne
Cameron John Viento
Andrea Lynn Vigliotti
Adriana Sofia Vivas
Jordan David Vogel
Noah Samuel Volkman
Sophia Catherine Volz
Charlotte Anne Vorder Bruegge
Lucy Paige Vulgamore
Mary Finan Wade
Samuel William Wahl
Nadine Aurora Walker
Rebecca Ashley Walker
Ricana Mei Walker
Charlotte E Wall
Lauren Patricia Waller
Sydnie Dianne Murlean Waller
Aidan Kristian Walsh
Caroline Patricia Walsh
Alexa Nicole Walters
Dawei Wang
Haiqi Wang
Junqi Wang
Camden Thomas Wappman
Jillian Lyza Ward
Jacob S Wasserman
Jonah Matthew Wassersug
Jack Daniel Watson
Erica Juliet Watts
Garett Aaron Weeks
Noah Benjamin Weinberg
Sasha Rose Weinberg
Chloe Brooke Weinstein
Dani Lilah Weinstein
Cole Victor Weintraub
Jonah Samuel Weintraub
Audrey Valentine Weisburd
Aylee Elfant Weiss
Edward Timothy Weiss
Sally Weiss
Benjamin William Welch
Dylan M Welch
Jessica Lynn Werfel
Giovanna Francesca Wertheimer
Sofia Westerman
Dianna Grace Whaley
Cameron Jay Whiley
McKenzie Rose White
Avalon Mackenzie Whitney
Ella Ruthanne Wicks
Lauren Wiertel
Timothy Scott Wilcox
James Theodore Wildhack
Emily Brooke Wilkinson
John McInerney Williams
Jordyn Alisa Williams
Lewis Marlon Williams
Lily Kathryn Williams
Owen Matthew Williams
Rebecca Helen Willson
Seth Kole Wintermute
Noa Wiser
Brynn Simone Wisniewski
Anastasia Maria Wittung
Alexander Seth Wojcik
Zachary Aaron Wolf
Ailani Yingen Wong
Kathryn Jane Wood
Maisy Aurora Wood
Naomi Candice Worman
Natalie Alessi Woytek
Abigail Lillian Wright
Stephanie Palmer Wright
Annika Lynne Wunsch
Paige Elizabeth Wyant
Suling Xie
Eden Yaloz
Leila Yang
Allison Nicole Yarlas
Layne Frances Yeager
Shannon Eloise Yehl
Eleanor Loucks Young
Jordan Lindsey Young
Gabriella Grace Young-Smith
Jessica Vnuk Zabbia
Kyra Elizabeth Zabretsky
Sierra Lauren Zaccagnino
Vincent Abraham Zakian
Benjamin Charles Zangas
Sophia Mary Zaninovich
Daniel Beck Zaslow
Katherine Genoese Zerbi
Logan Meadow Zgodny
Anrui Zhang
Darren Js Zhang
Henry Zhang
Junyi Zhang
Youyou Zhao
Elvin Zheng
Celina Ziqi Zhu
Shuyang Zhuang
Ava Lane Zimmer
Hannah Zimmet
Lily V Zuckerman
Drew Jacob Zundell
Nicholas Robert Zuppe
Alessandra Anastasia Zurini
Surya Vaidy remembers watching “Tom and Jerry” cartoons at age 10 and appreciating the quirky typography and title screens. He didn’t realize it then, but those eye-catching visuals from the animated classic inspired Vaidy’s passion for multimedia and design.
That drive led him to Syracuse University, where he graduated in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in geography from the College of Arts and Sciences and a minor in photo, video and design. But Vaidy felt like he still had more to learn after completing that minor, and decided to return to the Newhouse School to further explore his creative side and pursue a master’s degree in multimedia, photography and design (MPD).
He pursued graduate school with the help of a Forever Orange Scholarship, which provides half of the tuition for Syracuse University students the fall after graduating with their bachelor’s degree.
Studying at Newhouse allowed Vaidy to view photography as more than just a hobby. The opportunity to complete a master’s in multimedia, photography and design felt like a “sign from the universe,” he said.
In 2023, Vaidy won a Gold Award in the Interpretive Eye category in the international College Photographer of the Year competition. This past September, six of Vaidy’s photos were selected to be shown at the Pingyao International Photography Festival in China.
Vaidy credits visual communications faculty members Greg Heisler, Paula Nelson, Bruce Strong, Renée Stevens, Milton Santiago, Ken Harper, Seth Gitner, MaryAnne Golon and RC Concepción for guiding him at Newhouse.
“Being taught by people who have done the things that I want to do has been invaluable,” Vaidy said. “Through them, I have received access to people who have a name, place and legacy the industry.”
Vaidy, though, isn’t quite sure what he’s going to do next, because he was exposed to so many ideas and potential career paths during his time in the master’s program.
He said it was nerve-wracking to admit to himself that there were career options other than photography, but his professors and classes introduced him to new topics, and he learned to fall in love with the technical aspects, artistic components and the human connection of visual communications.
“There are these revelations you have once you start doing at a higher level what you thought you wanted to do in the field, and what you are introduced to at school. And you kind of balance, and you start figuring [out] … where do my new loves align,” Vaidy said.
“And for me, I think photography for a publication, magazine or newspaper, would be a lovely start,” he added. “But I also think I would like to be behind the desk, behind the scenes, working as an editor, coordinating with people.”
One of Vaidy’s most memorable experiences at Newhouse was covering the Empire State Winter Games in February 2024. He was never interested in sports photography before that assignment in Lake Placid; he left knowing that he could cover sports, too.
Vaidy ended his classes in December, and hopes to defend this thesis and graduate in May 2025. He said his only regret is that he didn’t ask more questions earlier during his time as a Newhouse master’s student.
“To have people who challenge you, not in a destructive way, but in a constructive way—that changes you for the better,” Vaidy said. “That that gives you a platform to boost off” your career.
Alix Berman is a junior in the magazine, news and digital journalism program at the Newhouse School.
The second of a four-part series this week looking back at Newhouse School highlights over the past year. The first story looked at key initiatives and projects (Dec. 29).
As 2024 winds down, take a look at some of the top student stories over the past year, including awards, coverage of the presidential campaign, amazing experiences and life at Newhouse.
Read more about student news and awards on the Newhouse news page. The Fall 2024 dean’s list will be available in January. The Spring 2024 dean’s list was posted last June.
A Once-in-a-Lifetime Interview with a Legend
Chloe Smarz ’25 had the opportunity to do something she “would have never imagined in a million years,” she says—and that’s interviewing someone she grew up watching on TV, the legendary sportscaster Bob Costas ’74.
Fall Abroad: Exclusive Programs and Opportunities Students Can’t Miss
Learn more about what students can expect during a fall semester abroad.
New to Newhouse? Five Tips for First-Year Students
To help first-year students get accustomed to life at Syracuse University, Newhouse offers an introductory course that aids students in learning the ins and outs of life at the school.
Six Ways to Get Involved at Newhouse
It’s easy for first-year students to feel overwhelmed, so here are six fun ways to meet other students, make friends, gain experience in your chosen field and make Newhouse feel like a new home.
Student Spotlight: Yasmin Nayrouz
Inspired by misconceptions surrounding migration and her own parents—who are immigrants from Egypt—she’s working toward a career in advocacy for refugees, immigrants and displaced families.
Bella Tabak is Fashionably Flying Through Newhouse
Like many of her many Newhouse classmates, Tabak balances academics, extracurriculars and personal interests in filling her schedule. Those three areas intersect with her work at University Girl magazine, fulfilling a passion for writing and desire to bring sustainable fashion practices to the forefront.
Newhouse Master’s Student Jordan Pierre Seeks to Amplify Unheard Voices Through Clothing Brand
Jordan Pierre wants to build a village—not a physical one, but a collective of people helping each other and using their voices to amplify those who may have gone unheard.
Student journalists fanned out to area polling places on Election Day as part of the Newhouse School’s Democracy in Action project.
Newhouse Students Cover 2024 Presidential Nominating Conventions
Newhouse students traveled to Chicago and Milwaukee to cover the political conventions for professional media outlets.
Newhouse Students Hit the Trail to Cover 2024 Campaign
“They are young voters, and whatever the outcome of this election, it will have a great impact on their lives. It’s really important to see it from that perspective,” said Beverly Kirk, director of Washington programs at Newhouse and professor of practice in broadcast and digital journalism.
Part 3 of the 2024 in review series, to be published Tuesday, highlights alumni stories and achievements. Part 4 on Wednesday looks at Newhouse events.
When members of the Class of 2025 graduate in May, many will have spent four years as instrumental components of a unique program designed to acclimate new students to life at Syracuse University.
These seniors have been involved as students taking the course in their first year of college, then as peer leaders for First Year Seminar (FYS) for three subsequent years. The one-credit, 15-week required course engages students in conversations, activities and assignments about making the transition to life on campus. It not only serves as an introductory course to Syracuse University, but also actively builds community, connects students to faculty/staff and each other, and encourages a positive transition to a new environment. Within that setting, students explore the topics of belonging, interdependence, wellness, development of identity, socialization, discrimination, bias and stereotypes.
Since the program began in 2021, more than 500 faculty, staff and students have participated in FYS in various roles. They’ve served as lead instructors (faculty, staff and graduate students) or as peer leaders (undergraduate students). Lead instructors partner with peer leaders to guide seminar discussions for class sections. With some 4,000-plus new students in first-year classes, and with sections capped at 19 students to create an intimate, seminar atmosphere, 225 students were needed to fill the peer leader role in 2024.
Peer leaders are the embodiment of FYS and they are the connectors that are integral to the program, say Shannon Hitchcock Schantz, FYS director, and Jimmy Luckman, associate director. Peer leaders work in conjunction with lead instructors to guide discussions that are anchored around increasing students’ sense of belonging on campus.
“The program isn’t advanced only by faculty and staff; peer leaders are a big part of the FYS experience. They are connectors for FYS participants and they’re conduits who facilitate discussions on many issues while sharing the kinds of University resources that are available. They connect students where students want to be connected. Through discussions, they can transform the classroom experience, providing a space for sometimes difficult conversations, and that’s been a very strong thing,” Luckman says.
The past four years have been a time of growth for the program, as the previous FYS leaders, Schantz and her team have built “a great foundation,” she says. “Now, we are looking ahead and seeing how to enrich the peer leader experience.”
In addition to monthly leadership development meetings for peer leaders, Luckman says the team is considering creating a peer leader development model and potentially expanding leadership opportunities for the students. They are also conducting focus groups to obtain feedback on the peer leader role and may form a peer leader alumni group. They also hired a coordinator to supervise peer leaders and manage the myriad details of hiring and tracking a 200-plus student workforce.
While hundreds of peer leaders are needed each year, Luckman says it has not been difficult to recruit for those roles because students love working with fellow students and they understand the value community-building work adds to their background and experience. Many also recognize the role as a chance to develop leadership skills and want to take advantage of that, Luckman says.
The team asked for peer leader feedback to continue to enhance the position and the co-facilitation model the course follows. Schantz says the responses showed the importance of the lead instructor and peer leader in creating a positive atmosphere in the course. Another factor that influenced peer leaders returning to their roles in subsequent years is the respectful environment that peer leaders form with their students.
Four students who took FYS their first year on campus and then stayed on as peer leaders for the next three years are set to graduate this spring. They shared with SU News their reasons for deciding to remain in those roles and what the program has meant to them since their earliest days at the University.
Mariana Godinez-Andraca, a dual public relations/psychology major in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and the College of Arts and Sciences, is an international student from Mexico City. She likes that FYS embraces “uncomfortable” conversations, such as discussions about cultural awareness, microaggressions and learning to have empathy for others, she says.
“What I value most is that FYS embraces these conversations wholeheartedly, creating a space where students can open up, challenge their beliefs and grow into more empathetic individuals.” She says she has appreciated “sharing my experiences and cultural background…in a space where we actively listen to each other and where everyone’s stories and perspectives enrich our understanding, broadening my own cultural awareness while giving me a meaningful platform to share my journey. I hope I leave an impression that encourages others to embrace diversity and engage more thoughtfully with the world around them.”
Nehilah Grand-Pierre, a broadcast and digital journalism major in the Newhouse School, finds the give-and-take between FYS participants and peer leaders invigorating and gratifying.
When FYS participants were offered the opportunity to ask peer leaders any question about any topic, she says one participant asked how to discover one’s self-worth while in college. “I said the best way is to not define your self-worth through other people. I told how studying abroad in London forced me to stop defining myself by the activities and relationships I had on main campus, and instead define myself by my reactions to all the new things I was experiencing. I said what happens to you doesn’t define you, but how you react to those situations does. I recognized that as a senior, I had so much experience to pull from, and I saw how real experiences helped drive discussions.”
Aviya Garg ventured out of her comfort zone for an internship and emerged with résumé-building experiences working under one of the most influential business executives in America.
A senior majoring in public relations at the Newhouse School, Garg spent last summer at General Motors (GM) in Detroit working as an executive communications intern for Mary Barra, the CEO and chair of GM who was named Most Powerful Woman in Business in 2024 by Fortune. Garg went into the internship without knowing anyone in Michigan, let alone at GM.
“I was scared,” Garg said. “I took a big leap of faith. … I was out there by myself, but it was the best work I could’ve taken.”
One of Garg’s main responsibilities was responding to messages from GM customers sent to Barra’s office, which included those from survivors of serious car accidents who sought to thank Barra and her team.
“Responding on behalf of Mary and letting them know, ‘Thank you for your loyalty. I’m so glad your family is okay.’ Really personalizing that message can really make someone feel so reassured after a scary car accident,” Garg said. “I never expected to be working on stories like that, and the fact that I gave some peace of mind and reassurance to those customers was awesome.”
Garg was also responsible for preparing Barra for her day-to-day responsibilities, providing assistance with communications strategies, scripts and briefings for various appearances.
A Newhouse internship award helped Garg pay for housing, travel and food during her 12 weeks in Detroit. She encourages other students to look into applying for an award if they’re interested in similar out-of-town internship opportunities.
What Garg considers her biggest accomplishment in the Motor City was moderating a one-hour Q&A with Barra during the company’s Intern Day.
“I got to sit on the stage with her and ask questions,” Garg said. “It really showed me how to be part of an event of a large scale and how to communicate with multiple teams which is something I hadn’t done before … I think my proudest moment was ending that Intern Day and coming off that stage and my friends and other interns telling me ‘That was so cool!’”
Garg beamed with pride after Fortune released its 2024 Most Powerful Women in Business list in the fall.
“It was a really full circle moment for me because I helped submit her application” for the honor, she said. “Last year, she was No. 9 on that list, and I joked that if we could get her up to No. 8, then I can sleep at night.”
“So, when I woke up to my phone blowing up that she was No. 1 on that list, I started crying,” Garg added. “It was the cherry on top to a great internship.”
After a rewarding summer in Michigan, Garg is busy concentrating on her role as firm director for Hill Communications, a student-run PR agency based at the Newhouse School that has 13 clients and over 80 members.
“Being able to bring my experiences back after working under such an incredible leader, and then becoming a leader myself to so many students and supplying them with knowledge has been a great experience,” Garg said. “It’s exactly what I was hoping to do.”
Garg hopes to eventually work in corporate communications, though she thinks she’ll start her career after graduation at an agency because she loves a fast-paced work environment. She thanks her professors and classmates in the public relations department at Newhouse for fostering a supportive culture.
Garg said she was nervous when she arrived at Newhouse as a first-year student “that it would be really competitive and [cut-throat], but what I found instead is a community” that supports each other.
“We share frustrations about finding jobs and keeping up with our fast-paced industries, what we’re assigned in class, and instead of turning against each other, I just found so much support.”
Nico Horning is a junior in the broadcast and digital journalism program at the Newhouse School.
Learn more about accolades received this fall by students from across Newhouse.
Newhouse students, faculty and organizations are finalists for the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s annual awards, including broadcasts and features from WAER, Orange Television Network (OTN), ACC Network and The Newhouse Spotlight team.
Awards will be announced at the 2025 IBS Conference on March 7-8 in New York City.
Best Sports Update: “9/25 Afternoon Sports,” Ian Nicholas, WAER 88.5
Best Sports Pre-Game/Post-Game Show: “Orange Overtime – UNLV,” Austin Barach, WAER 88.5
Best News Report: “Chipped Away,” John Perik, Lilli Iannella, Finn Lincoln, Julieanne Gilchrist, Newhouse Spotlight Team
Best Sports Program: “Sideline Squeeze,” Lindsay Arons, Victoria Daly, Orange Television Network
Best Sports Play by Play: “No. 1 Pitt/Syracuse Volleyball PxP 10/6/24,” Nico Horning, Syracuse ACC Network Extra
Best Comedy Program: Floor Four, Episode Two: “Smoke Out,” Jamie Christensen, Claire McBride, Orange Television Network
Best Variety Program: “Think Tank,” Truman Lapp, Samantha Rodino, Colin Campbell, Orange Television Network
Best Phone App: Orange Television Network, Orange Television Network Staff and the Lightcast Design Team
Best Faculty Adviser: Meg Craig, Orange Television Network
Best College/University Television Station: Orange Television Network
Three Newhouse broadcast and digital journalism students have been nominated for a prestigious College Television Award in the Sports category for their work airing a Syracuse University women’s basketball pregame show. Students Audrey Glynn (producer), Caleb Jaramillo (director) and Terence Murphy (writer) were notified of their nomination by the Television Academy Foundation, which will hold the 44th College Television Awards on April 12, 2025.
The Newhouse Spotlight Team earned a Second Place honor for Best College/University Investigative or Documentary at the Editor & Publisher’s 2024 EPPY Awards.
As part of broadcast and digital journalism professor Jim Osman’s Investigative Reporting course, the team of Nardeen Saleep, Zach Richter, Jamie Korenblat and Josh Feldstein revealed Onondaga County’s countless hidden shops selling cannabis for their story, “The Green Black Market.”
Broadcast and digital journalism sophomore Sophie Braun won First Place in the AEJMC News Engagement Day video competition for her video highlighting how to vote and research political candidates.
Newhouse School students and publications earned 25 honors from the Associated Collegiate Press’ annual awards and Pacemaker contests that spanned the journalism and military programs, as well as The Daily Orange, NCC News Spotlight team, The NewsHouse and SALT magazine.
Newhouse Wins Big at Associated Collegiate Press Awards
Newhouse has four films, produced by 44 Films, The Fall Workshop and assistant professor Milton Santiago’s cinematography courses, that were recognized at this year’s College Media Association Film and Audio Festival.
Short Documentary, First Place: “Full Circle” by Murphy McFarlane
Short Documentary, Third Place: “The Thread Remembers” by Maxine Wallace and L.J. Guerra
Short Documentary, Honorable Mention: “Dandelion” by Wendy Wang
Long Documentary, Honorable Mention: “Papa’s Beast: A Judah Mintz Story“ by Van Norris
Newhouse students and media outlets received a dozen honors including four First Place awards at this year’s College Media Association Pinnacle Awards announced last week in New Orleans.
Newhouse Triumphs With 4 First Place Wins at College Media Association Pinnacle Awards
Outstanding work by BDJ students Audrey Glynn, Caleb Jaramillo and Terence Murphy recognized in the Sports category.
Three Newhouse broadcast and digital journalism students have been nominated for a prestigious College Television Award in the Sports category for their work airing a Syracuse University women’s basketball pregame show.
Students Audrey Glynn (producer), Caleb Jaramillo (director) and Terence Murphy (writer) were notified of their nomination by the Television Academy Foundation, which will hold the 44th College Television Awards on April 12, 2025. Winners will be announced during a red-carpet ceremony at the Television Academy in North Hollywood, California.
The nominated entry highlighted the trio’s work for a pregame show ahead of Syracuse’s contest against Northeastern, which aired Dec. 4, 2023.
“From highlights and statistical breakdowns of both teams’ previous games to an analysis of star players, the program informed viewers for the matchup. The latter half of the show included a ‘talk back’ segment with the live-game analyst and keys to the game,” the Television Academy Foundation said.
One of three finalists in the Sports category, the pregame show aired live from the JMA Wireless Dome on Cuse TV. The foundation received 232 submissions from 50 schools across the country for this year’s College Television Awards.
Nominees who attend the awards ceremony will also participate in two days of professional development events with media and industry leaders, and a special screening of their projects for Television Academy members prior to the awards show.
Nominees and winners of the College Television Awards automatically become members of the Television Academy Foundation’s alumni family, gaining access to year-round networking opportunities, events and professional development resources.