NYC Magazine Experience

Each year a dozen senior magazine students spend three days in New York City—speaking to editors at some of the nation’s top magazines, networking with successful magazine alumni, receiving résumé critiques from industry professionals and attending panel discussions with recent magazine grads, who offer advice on everything from finding an apartment to landing that first job.

This trip began in 2005 when professor Bill Glavin decided he wanted to create an opportunity for top students to see the city and to meet alumni. Professor Glavin knew that not all students could afford unpaid internships in the city, and he wanted to provide a similar opportunity to experience New York City and make connections at magazines for deserving students.

Professor Glavin died in 2010, after 37 years at the Newhouse School. In 2011, the magazine department’s annual trip was renamed the Bill Glavin Magazine Trip in his memory. A generous donation from Eric Mindich, and his wife, Stacey Okun Mindich, a Newhouse alumna and student of Professor Glavin, has underwritten these benchmark trips ever since.