Bachelor’s in Journalism

Journalists in today’s dynamic media environment must be skilled at telling stories across multiple platforms. The journalism bachelor’s degree program at the Newhouse School of Public Communications will equip you with the skills you need to tell compelling stories across various formats, whether you’re reporting live for a news broadcast, writing a longform feature, producing a podcast or social media story, or covering athletes and teams for a sports website.

Female student types on laptop in Newhouse News Production class.

The Journalism Major at the Newhouse School

Reporting and writing skills are the foundation of the bachelor’s of journalism program. Recognized for a legacy of excellence in journalism education, the Newhouse School grounds all journalism students in core fundamentals of reporting, writing, and communication law and ethics.

The new journalism BS represents the integration of two storied degrees at Newhouse: broadcast and digital journalism and magazine, news and digital journalism. Today’s media world requires journalists to meet audiences wherever they get their news – their phone, a social platform or their favorite podcast. The journalism BS empowers students to deliver news and information the public needs today.

Jewél Jackson interviewing Tyrone Evans
Photo Credit: Jacob Ryan

All Journalists are Multiplatform Journalists

Whether you aspire to break news, tell compelling feature stories or specialize in sports, politics or data, the Newhouse journalism degree is designed to equip you with the skills journalists need to succeed in a digital world. The program’s flexibility allows all students to explore in depth and discover new ideas.

What You’ll Learn in the Newhouse Journalism Major

male student holds laptop in advanced data journalism class

Our program is designed to ensure you are prepared for an evolving industry.  From emerging technologies to changing audience behaviors, you will learn the skills needed to succeed in today’s competitive media environment.

All journalism majors begin with the Newhouse journalism core, which explores the principles and foundations of the field. You’ll learn to find stories and report accurately. You will interview community members and make data visualizations. Feedback from industry veterans will transform your writing to meet professional standards. You’ll master multimedia skills to create content for a variety of audiences and platforms.

Preparing for the Future of Journalism

By studying core journalism concepts and practices before selecting a track that aligns with your career goals, you will develop multiplatform storytelling skills and the critical thinking abilities essential for all journalists. Beyond technical skills, you will wrestle with industry’s contemporary ethical and legal issues.  Throughout your Newhouse program, you will build a professional portfolio to prepare you for the job search.

Explore Journalism Tracks of Study

The new journalism major has two main tracks—broadcast and digital journalism, and magazine, news and digital journalism. This enables you to specialize while receiving a well-rounded education in reporting across multiple platforms. Students enter their tracks of choice once they have completed courses in core journalism competencies.

After choosing a main track of study, you’ll have the option of adding a secondary sports journalism track, or you can explore your own journalism interests with advanced courses in data and investigative reporting, magazine article writing or media management.

Broadcast and Digital Journalism

Graduates from the Newhouse School’s broadcast and digital journalism track report, anchor, produce and lead in newsrooms across the country. You will learn the skills to deliver the news with accuracy, objectivity and integrity.  

Magazine, News and Digital Journalism

The Newhouse School’s magazine, news and digital journalism track is designed to give you the reporting, writing, and editing skills you need to work in the nation’s leading digital media organizations.  

Sports Media and Communications

Join the legacy of renowned Newhouse sports broadcasters and journalists. Sports media and communications courses provide specialized training and hands-on experience to excel in sports reporting, analysis, and production. Whether you envision yourself reporting from the sidelines, analyzing game statistics, or creating sports documentaries, Newhouse provides the expertise, resources and industry connections to help you succeed in this competitive field. 

Sports journalism classes are run by the Newhouse Sports Media Center.

Beyond the Classroom: Industry Connections and the Newhouse Alumni Network

At Newhouse, you will learn from industry professionals who remain active in the journalism world. You’ll benefit from our strong connections to industry leaders and a vast alumni network that spans the globe. This network can open doors to internships, mentorships and career opportunities in journalism and beyond. Whether your passion is broadcasting, reporting or digital sports media, Newhouse provides the expertise and connections to propel your career forward.

What Happens to Current Broadcast and Digital Journalism and Magazine News and Digital Journalism Majors?

Starting in fall of 2025, the broadcast and digital journalism and magazine, news and digital journalism programs will be part of the new journalism major. Newhouse students who were admitted under the broadcast and digital journalism or magazine, news and digital journalism majors before fall 2025 will continue their current course plans and will graduate with those specific degrees. As of fall 2025, all incoming students will become journalism majors with the option of pursuing the specific tracks listed above to fulfill their interests.