Newhouse CAGE Equipment Loan Policy
CAGE Hours:
The CAGE is open the following times during the Fall & Spring semesters*:
- M—Th: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
- Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Equipment can be picked up or dropped off based on reservations on file only.
Hours will vary during the summer, breaks and holidays.
Access to Newhouse CAGE Equipment:
- Multimedia equipment can be checked out by current Newhouse students (borrowers) enrolled in a Newhouse class that requires the use of multimedia equipment as defined by the Department.
- Equipment access is derived by the students course enrollment and the associated equipment for those classes.
- Student (Borrower) checking out equipment must be enrolled in a Newhouse class.
- Borrowers are required to have prior training on equipment that they have access to.
- Equipment provided through the CAGE is for Newhouse academic purposes ONLY. Use of equipment for outside of this is a violation of CAGE policy and could result in the revocation of the borrower’s CAGE privileges.
Equipment Requests & Reservations:
- Items checked out from the Newhouse CAGE are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Equipment requests must be made online, at least 24 hours in advance.
- Equipment requests will become a reservation when the equipment requested is available. An email confirmation will be sent to the borrower when the equipment is ready for pickup.
- Any reservation not picked up within one hour of scheduled pick-up time will be canceled.
- All reservation changes must be completed at the CAGE with a valid SUID during normal business hours.
- There is a 24-hour wait period between reservations to ensure access to all students.
- Equipment requests can be made up to two weeks in advance.
Equipment Checkout:
- A valid SUID (or valid E.S.F ID card) is required for all transactions
- Equipment can be checked out for up to 24 hours.
- Extended check out periods for special projects must be coordinated at least 2 business days in advance by the borrower’s faculty member and or Department Chair by emailing requesting an extension for the said borrower.
- The student (borrower) checking out the equipment MUST set up and verify that the gear is in complete working order and all of the components of the equipment are present before leaving the CAGE.
- The receipt of equipment and financial responsibility of equipment form MUST be signed prior to leaving the CAGE area. (See Insurance Section)
- If the borrower identifies any issues with the equipment while in the field, they must notify the CAGE staff immediately. If off campus, call the CAGE at 315-443-5663 or email the Help Desk at
- Borrower’s are expected to use the equipment in a careful and proper manner and shall comply with and conform to all applicable laws, ordnance and regulations in any way relating to the use or possession of the equipment.
Equipment Return:
- All equipment must be returned no later than the time specified on the receipt by the borrower at the time of check out. Equipment can be returned before this deadline during normal CAGE hours if it is no longer needed. (See Lost, Stolen and Damaged Gear & Personal Data & Property Sections)
- Borrowers are REQUIRED to return the equipment in the same organized fashion it was provided.
- If a student is running late, they must contact 315-443-5663 so the staff can add a note to their account.
- All late returns and policy violations are subject to the 3 Strike Policy:
- Strike 1: Written warning on account.
- Strike 2: Account locked. Professor must submit approval to confirming they spoke with the student in regard to policy violations on the borrowers account before it will be unlocked.
- Strike 3: Account deactivated, CAGE privileges revoked, mandatory meeting with the CAGE staff, professor and Department Chair.
Personal Data & Property:
- The Newhouse School and the CAGE are not responsible for lost SD cards, or any personal property left in the equipment or the case.
- The Newhouse School and the CAGE are not responsible for the damage or loss of the borrowers recorded media or files.
Lost, Stolen and Damaged Gear:
- Borrowers are financially responsible for all of the equipment they have signed out from the CAGE. Any items that are damaged, lost and or stolen are the financial responsibility of the borrower.
- The CAGE engineering team will choose the appropriate repair and or replacement options for any equipment identified as lost, stolen or damaged.
- The borrower and the associated faculty will be contacted by a CAGE employee within 15 business days, outlining the total cost associated with any damages and or the replacement costs for lost and or stolen equipment. The bill is expected to be paid in full within one week of the email. If the bill is still outstanding, it will be transferred on the University Bursar’s Office as a bursar hold. When a bursar hold is put in place the following may be impacted: access to CAGE resources, access to course registration and student record releases.
- Equipment made available through the CAGE to students is not covered under the Universities General Insurance Policies. If any equipment checked out to a user is damaged, lost or stolen the person the equipment is checked out to will be held financially responsible for the equipment’s loss and or repair.
- Students are strongly encouraged to check their homeowner’s insurance to see if they are covered or obtain their own Personal Property Insurance.