The curriculum at the Newhouse LA program is absolutely unprecedented. From learning the ins and outs of line producing using specialized industry-grade programming to practicing the art of television pitching in front of real studio executives, the coursework here wastes no time in getting our hands dirty. While I very much appreciate every professor I had the privilege of working with back in New York, the opportunity to be in-person in the country’s heart of entertainment is simply incomparable. We are working with actively employed professors still knee-deep in their craft. The kind of people who make us feel excited to go home and do our homework. Every moment in the classroom feels earned, as we know there are plenty of scripts to be reviewed and contracts to sign in our professors’ day jobs. Yet, the faculty and staff’s true dedication to the Newhouse LA program is astounding. I feel so appreciated as a student, a creative and as a human. I wish I could’ve spent every semester investing myself in the LA curriculum. The only problem with our courseload is… I wish I could take them all!
Lucy Stover is a senior in the television, radio and film program at the Newhouse School.